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Jeno put his coat on and grabbed his phone and keys before making his way to the front door to wait for the other to come out. Jeno makes sure to text Donghyuck about the photos before putting his phone in the back of his jeans.

Renjun soon emerged from his room in a pair of black skinny jeans with a white shirt and an oversized pink cardigan with it. Kun had brought clothes with him when visiting and Renjun was so thankful for that because he did not want to go out in sweats to file a police report.

They both make their way down to the elevator and the blond's car. They get in Jeno driving and Renjun in the passenger's seat.

While driving down the road, Jeno would occasionally look to Renjun to see him nervously fidget with his sleeves. Jeno does the only thing he can think of at the moment to comfort the boy, taking his right hand off the steering wheel to grab to other boy's hands.

Surprised at first, Renjun ends up gently wrapping both his hands around the larger hand and tries to focus on the warmth instead of the fear going through him. He looks down at the hand and starts to absentmindedly spin the multiple rings on the other fingers and looks at them closely. He also looks at the few bracelets the other had tied around his wrist.

Jeno can feel the others boys' hands shaking while he messes with his accessories as he tries to keep his eyes focused on the road. This isn't the first time that Jeno has had to take someone to the police station for this type of thing but no matter if it was his second or tenth time, he will never get over the feeling he gets when doing it.

Just the thought that a human could take advantage of another human just because of how weak they are in comparison makes him sick to his stomach. But he pushes the feeling down and tries to focus on the task at hand.


It did not take long at the police station for them to file a report and turn in the photos that Donghyuck sent them. They were told to leave a number and they will call when they can put this case on file and before a judge.

As they walked out of the police station, Renjun felt fear take over him as different possibilities ran through his head. What happens if he finds out I reported? What happens if he finds me? Will he be arrested? What happens if nothing happens to him? What happens if-

Renjun's thoughts are brought to a complete halt when they reach the car in the mostly empty parking lot and Jeno stops them from walking. Jeno makes the boy face him, already knowing what the boy was thinking.

"You will be fine, nothing will happen to you know that he is on the police's watch now," Jeno says to reassure the other before guiding him to the passenger's seat and opening the door for him.

Renjun thanks the taller man before the door is closed and Jeno makes his way around the car to get into the driver's seat. As they pull out, Renjun noticed that they aren't going in the direction they came from and looks to the other curiously," Where are we going?"

"To go eat lunch with Jaemin," Jeno says as he turns into a Dinner that was close to the police station. Renjun nods at the information and just followed the other into the establishment.

They saw the pink-haired male sat at a booth in the very far corner and make their way to him. Jeno slides into the seat next to him while Renjun sits in the opposite seat across from them.

"Hey, how did it go," Jaemin asked as he looked at the smaller boy. Renjun looked at him before saying, "we went in and reported with the photos. They said they will call us after the case has been brought in front of a judge."

Jaemin nods at the information before reaching across the table and holding one of Renjun's hands. "You are so brave to do that," he said as he gave the older a genuine look of love that the other just played off as sympathy.

Their moment was soon interrupted by a waitress coming over and asking, "what can I get for you?"

Jaemin gives a friendly smile to the girl before saying, "I will just have a burger with fries and a sprite." The girl jotted down the order and then looked to Jeno for his. "I will take the same thing," He said as he hands the menu to the lady.

She takes it with a flirty smile and says to the two, "coming right up." She then walks off before Renjun could even try to order. Jaemin frowns at the rude behavior before saying loudly to the lady before she could get too far, "excuse me."

She turns back around with a smile and makes he way back over before saying, "yes, anything else I can do for you."

Jeno nods his head with a blank look and says, "you could take his order too and not just ours," while pointing to Renjun. The lady frowns as she looks at the boy with a small glare and says, "your order then."

Renjun feels slightly intimidated by the look she was giving him and shrinks back into the seat while saying, "I-I'll have a, um, a strawberry milkshake."

She writes it down before snatching the menu from in front of Renjun before turning to the other two and giving them a smile before walking off.

"What a bitch," Jeno says as he looks back at the rude girl. Jaemin nods at the statement but Renjun says, "maybe she is just having a bad day."

The other two look at Renjun as he says that and can feel their heartstrings being pulled at how sweet the boy genuinely is. They choose not to shoot down his comment and move to a different topic.

"What do you like to do," Jaemin asked the smaller boy. Renjun thinks for a second before a smile comes onto his face, "I love to paint and draw."

"Really? I could never, I can barely draw a straight line," Jaemin says as he looks to the other impressed. Jeno lets out a chuckle before saying, "Jae, you are barely a straight line."

Renjun lets out a laugh at them as Jaemin hits Jeno on the shoulder with an offended look.


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