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Jeno wakes up to his alarm going off and reaches over onto the bedside table to turn it off. Jaemin also managed to wake up and rubs his eyes to get the sleep out of them.

They both sit up and stretch before giving each other a morning kiss. "I'm sorry about last night," Jeno said as he pulls away from the kiss. Jaemin pouts at the apology and says, "you don't need to apologize, but what happened?"

"Jaehyun was on my ass all day yesterday about how I'm handling the students at the gym," Jeno says as he stands up. Jaemin follows him and back hugs him. They stay like that for a couple of minutes and just relax in the silence.

"I'll go wake up the two babies," Jaemin says quietly before leaving the room.

He then makes his way down the hallway and goes to Yangyang's room first. He sees the boy sleeping on his front with his face pushed into the pillow. Jaemin goes over and rubs his back as he says, "Yang baby, it's Monday, you have classes."

Yangyang lets out a groan and rolls over to look at the pink-haired boy. He sits up with the help of the other.

Jaemin goes back into the hallway after kissing Yangyang on the forehead. He goes further down the hallway to the first door and opens it to see Donghyuck sleeping in his gaming chair. His head was leaned back with his mouth open, letting out light snores.

Jaemin can't help but roll his eyes at the sight before making his way over to the boy. "Hyuck," Jaemin says as he knocks his knee against the boys' chair.

Donghyuck wakes with a start and looks around until he sees Jaemin. He pouts and lays his head back while mumbling, "why did you wake me?"

"Maybe because I want to see you," Jaemin says as he leans down to be a eye level with the other before speaking again, "or because it's Monday and you have classes in about 20 minutes."

Donghyuck stands up in a rush at the mention of his classes while cursing at his alarm not waking him up. Jaemin just laughs as he makes his way out of the room and into the kitchen to start his morning. He puts on a pot of coffee and gets ingredients out to make breakfast.

Jeno is the first one to come out of his room and immediately takes a piece of toast before heading out the door to make it to his job in time. The next one to come out is Donghyuck with wet hair and sits at the table while opening his textbook.

Jaemin shakes his head at the other and says, "did you not study for that test today?" The other just looks up with a sheepish smile before going back to speed reading his book.

"No wonder you had to retake so many classes," Jaemin says as he sets a plate down in front of the brown-haired male.

Yangyang then walks in and snickers at the boy sitting down. "I don't think that's it, his natural stupidity has a big role in it too," the purpled-haired boy said as he grabbed his plate and sat down across from the other.

Donghyuck sends the boy a warning glare before going back to his textbook. Jaemin flicks the boy on the back of the head before heading back to the kitchen to start to clean up a little. He says, "bye," to the two as they head out the door to go to the college together and the house is left in silence once again.

Jaemin goes to get ready for his job and is about to head out the door until he remembers that Renjun was staying with them. He makes his way over to the boys' door and quietly opens the door to peek in. His heart nearly combusts with the sight he is met with.

Renjun is snuggled under the blankets while hugging a stuffed animal to his chest. His hair is all messy from sleep and his face is relaxed.

Jaemin doesn't know why he feels this way when he sees Renjun but can only relate it to the same feelings he had when he first met each of his boyfriends. He knows that Yangyang and Donghyuck already adore the boy as it was even though they just met.

He knows that Renjun is going to be something special in their lives but pushed the thought to the back of his head as he sees the time. He goes to the kitchen and writes a quick note for Renjun before leaving.

Jaemin rushes out of the apartment but remembers to lock it before heading to his car.


Renjun slowly blinks his eyes open as he wakes up from the sun shining in his face. He sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes before stretching. He swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands up with a little push.

Renjun doesn't hear any movement in the house and guesses that the others are out or still asleep. So he quietly makes his way to the kitchen to see a note left by Jaemin.



We are out today for work and school. We will be back later this afternoon. Feel free to anything in our fridge and to watch anything you want on the TV.



Renjun smiles at how nice Jaemin is. He has only met three of the four but he feels so welcomed and safe in this home already. He also can't lie about how much he truly liked the idea of living with such handsome men but that is beside the point.

But he knows he should stop thinking like that because they are already in a happy relationship and there is no way they could like Renjun.

He decided to push the thoughts away and to find something to do. He knows he can't just freeload off of them, so he decided he will clean up the apartment, aside from the rooms, to pay them back for letting him stay there.


Yangyang and Donghyuck are in the car on their way to their campus in silence until Donghyuck breaks it. "Do you think that someone gave those bruises to Renjun?"

Yangyang quickly glanced from the road to Donghyuck then back at the road before letting out a sigh. "Kun said Renjun was trying to get away from someone and that someone knows where Kun lives," Yangyang explained as he stopped at a red light.

"So it sounds like this is a domestic abuse situation?" Donghyuck asked and Yangyang could hear the sad tone the other had. "I am guessing yes but I don't know why someone would do that to him," Yangyang explained as he pulls into the parking space and puts the car into park.

When he turns the car off, he faces Donghyuck with a knowing look and the other just put his textbook back in his bag waiting for the other to talk.

"Donghyuck, I know I'm not the only one who felt something when seeing him for the first time," Yangyang says as he looks the other in the eyes.

Donghyuck could not disagree, "I will admit, I did too. It's just the way he looks up at you just makes you want to protect him."

Yangyang nods his head in agreement and then adds, "I also saw the way Jaemin looked at him, he was practically planning how to baby him too."

Donghyuck let out a little laugh before moving his way out of the car and saying, "we can talk more about this when we meet up for coffee with Jaemin later today."

Yangyang nods in agreement as he gets out of the car and heads in the opposite direction as the other to the building his first class is in.


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