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College, who knew you would meet somebody that gorgeous in a college zoom meeting, it surprised Atsumu to say the least. 'Kiyoomi Sakusa' huh.


Atsumu's POV:

Kids were quickly admitted into the meeting, and in no time more then 30 students were there. One had blonde hair and glasses, while another one had spiky white and black hair. Although his eyes stayed trained at one square in the top right corner. 

"Hello class, My name is ( I couldn't think of a name so use your imagination 🤩) and I will be your teacher this semester" she had orange hair that was tied in a tight bun with a few strands loose in the front. She had bright green eyes that were accompanied by copper freckles scattered across her face. 

Atsumu really couldn't care less about this class, or any class for that matter. He quickly turned off his camera and connected his blue tooth headphones to his phone on his desk.

'Barry The bees spotify 🤪'

He scrolled down the songs until his eyes lit up, the song '505' by the arctic monkeys shined brightly. He quickly tapped play and settled down into his chair. Sitting there he just stared at his computer screen, Their teacher had already started making students introduce themselves, I mean we were gonna be classmates, but the chance of us actually getting to know each other was extremely unlikely. 

"Hello!" he said cheerfully, my eyes focused on the figure with black and white spiky hair introducing himself " My name is Koutarou Bokuto, but you can just call me Bokuto!" He flashed a quick smile before muting himself. He looked really happy to be here, but overall just assuming from how he talked and his presence, he seemed like a pretty happy guy. 

Student by student was called upon to introduce themselves until it was his turn, he watched closely as the black haired male unmuted his microphone and spoke " Hello, I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa" and he muted it again. Atsumu's mouth was slightly agape as he stared at the screen, his voice was deep and a little bit raspy, the way he pronounced his name sounded absolutely beautiful in Atsumu's ears. He was a little bit sad that he didn't get to hear the male talk more. 

Atsumu's little rant came to an end as the teacher called on him. His heart beat increased as she asked him to unmute his mic and turn on his camera to introduce himself to the class. He slowly moved his fingers to unmute and took a deep breath as he turned on his camera. 

"Hi, Im Atsumu" I quickly said as I turned off my mic, leaving my camera on as I stared right in the viewfinder. I put my elbow on my desk as I rested my head on the palm of my hand. 'This is gonna be a long day'


It had been 2 hours since I joined the zoom call, and I was already regretting it. I could've easily called in sick, or just dropped out of college all together, that would've made life a lot more simple. But no, instead I was here, listening to my teacher rant about things I would probably never use in the real world.

 My playlist had shuffled and I was now listening to 'Bubblegum Bitch' By MARIANA. Suna had recommended it to me the last time we hung out, he always had the best taste in music, there was nobody who could argue with me on that. 

Before I could stop myself I saw my eyes wandering to the black hair males screen camera again. The teacher was sharing some math thing on her screen, something along the lines of angles or what not.  

I couldn't stop myself before I found my eyes staring into his eyes, his features became a little bit more clear as I scrunched my nose up concentrating on his face.

Black curls framed the right side of his face as his ears were pierced wearing black dangly earrings.

Black curls framed the right side of his face as his ears were pierced wearing black dangly earrings

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He had black thin glasses on as he stared intently at the screen. Two moles rested above his left eyebrow, and his jawline could cut through a titans nape with ease.

It was insane how good he looked, and he couldn't help but stare in awe.

"Kiyoomi Sakusa" Atsumu said, the words rolled off his tongue with ease as he smiled lightly. 


15 minutes until lunch, hours had passed and Atsumu found himself almost falling asleep In his chair more then once. After lunch they would be splitting out into breakout rooms to talk about ourselves more.

He wasn't looking forward to that, but he was secretly hoping that Mr. Greek God would be in his group of 3, but he wasn't living in a Wattpad story, so the likelihood of that happening was low. Extremely low. "Don't get yer hopes up Atsumu" he said to himself as he stared at the screen, his eyelids were almost closed as he squinted trying to read the writing on the teachers screen. Yes he was far away from the computer but how small was this teachers writing? 


"Finally!" Atsumu said as he left the meeting and closed his computer, "a 30 minute lunch break, the perfect opportunity to annoy the living shit out of Osamu"


hi guys 💃 first of all I just wanted to say sorry again for the short chapter, and switching from 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd person view so much lmao. but again if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments! ilysm🥰

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