Chapter Three

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    Izuku didn't actually think Katsuki wanted him to touch himself.

Normally, most Alphas in rut wanted to be in charge of everything. So the fact that Katsuki was letting him do this was quite shocking to the Omega. But if the Alpha wanted it, then the Omega was sure going to give it to him.

Izuku laid on the bed face down, with his ass in the air. Katsuki sat back, eyeing Izuku hungrily as he palmed his member in his hand. Izuku took his fingers and brought them to his entrance, slowly plunging one finger inside himself, moaning loudly as his finger disappeared in his heat. In his normal state of mind, he would've been mortified, absolutely embarrassed by the Alpha watching him. But with the need to get impregnated clouding his mind, he couldn't care less.

"Mwah..K-Kacchan~". Izuku moaned as he started at a slow pace, but gradually moving quicker. The Alpha growled. Hearing the tiny Omega moan his name like that made his dick pulse and made him want to pound into him endlessly. But he also wanted to see the Omega put on a good show, so he fought back on his instincts.

"D-do you see what you do to me Kacchan?" The Omega panted as he added a second finger, scissoring himself as he felt his knees buckle. Touching himself was a normal thing for when he went into heat, seeing as Shoto didn't help him with it. But to have the Alpha he's loved for so long watch him so intensely, was making his stomach flutter. "Y-you're amazing K-Kacchan~". The Omega moaned and soon added his third finger. "Y-you have to f-fuck me good too. I-I'm preparing myself for you, Alpha."

Katsuki moved so fast, Izuku didn't even register what happened until it was already done. Izuku soon laying back down on his back, his hands pinned above his head. The Alpha rubbing their members together. Izuku moaned, as crimson dusted his freckled cheeks. Katsuki grunted, his eyes not leaving the blissful face of his Omega.

Katsuki really wanted to fuck him. Katsuki wanted to ravish him until Izuku knew his name and his name only. But he wouldn't.

Not yet. He wanted to treasure their first time together. Not while he was in a rut, and while Izuku was experiencing an triggered heat.

Although he was was battling the fuck out his instincts right now.

"K-kitten." Katsuki panted as he smelled the tantalizing smell of Izuku's lustful pheromones. It captivated him almost immediately and suddenly the Alpha pulled away from thrusting their dicks together.

"A-Alpha..?" Izuku whined at the loss but squealed when Katsuki's head suddenly ended up in between his legs. "W-what a-are you—"

"I won't make love to you today." Katsuki muttered, much less to his inner Alpha's disagreement. "But I will make you cum since it's my fault you're in heat. Since it was accidental making you cum once should be enough for it to wear off, right?"

Izuku moaned. He couldn't believe his ears. Katsuki didn't say "fuck" or anything like that. He wants to "make love". It made Izuku feel so cherished and loved. "Y-you're right, Alpha. I should be fine after this." It shows that Katsuki really knew more about secondary genders and the fact that he was fighting his instincts right made his heart swell.

"Good. After this, go get your friends. Do what I told you." Before the Omega could respond, The Alpha lick his entrance. Izuku moaned loudly, his hand reaching up to Katsuki's hair as he ate him out. Izuku never experienced this. This was a all new sensation to him, and it was too much.

Katsuki couldn't get enough off the slick Izuku was releasing. It taste as good as it smelt, if not better. With his other hand, he reached and grabbed Izuku's hardened member and stroked it at a pace that was unheard of. He wanted to make Izuku cum, and get out of here as soon as possible. His instincts were slowly starting to take over his rationality, and he refused to harm Izuku.

"F-fuck, K-Kacchan~" Izuku felt his stomach muscles tighten, as his body began to convulse. "C-cumming! I'm cuming, Kacchan!" The Omega moaned, as milky fluid shot out of his member, onto Katsuki's hand. His breathing ragged, his eyesight dancing with stars. "Shit." Izuku whispered, never feeling something so intense, and the crazy thing was that they hasn't even gone through with it fully. Izuku blushed at the thought.

Katsuki stood up and licked the cum that was on his fingers and hand, his eyes  not leaving Izuku as he did. Much to his word, the cloudedness left his mind, as he stared at the crimson eyed man. "K-Kacchan! T-that's dirty." He stuttered, his cheeks aflame.

"It's wonderful." Katsuki didn't even hear his complaint. He put his boxers back on and walked to the dresser. He went and grabbed one of his spare shirts and some boxers and jeans for Izuku. His hard member still visible, and looked even more painful then before. "Get dressed, baby. I want you to do what I asked. And here," He wrote his number down on a random piece of paper and handed it to Izuku along with his keys. "Your things are in there. Keep my keys so you can let yourself in when you come back. You will come back right..?" Katsuki sounded hopeful. He didn't want to lose Izuku again.

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