Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Everyone ended up falling asleep at Katsuki's and Izuku's house.

Katsuki's house was big enough for the whole pact to stay there, and after a few drinks, Izuku declared everyone slept there, instead of driving home drunk. Of course, Izuku wasn't drinking, but simply cared for the safety of his friends.

Katsuki woke up first, greeted with his beautiful mate, snuggled into his chest. Katsuki rubbed Izuku's round belly, before kissing his forehead and getting up. Typically he would walk in around in his boxers, but since the kids were over, he respectfully put on a tank-top and some house shorts.

His head pounded a little bit, but a cup of coffee and medicine would help with his light hangover. He knew he had work today but he decided to get up and cook everyone breakfast. He quietly crept down the stairs in case someone was sleeping on the couch, sure enough there was.

Sero snored, his body sprawled out on the couch. He must've gotten cold in the middle of the night because he was covered in at least two blankets.

"Hey, man." Katsuki judged him awake gently. "Yo, Sero. Go sleep upstairs. I have the fucking room."

Sero stirred before standing up shakily. "Nah, it's good. I'm awake, now. Time for a wake and bake. After I use the bathroom."

Katsuki laughed as he watched his friend clumsily walk off. He began cooking, playing music off of his phone. He tried to keep everything to a minimum so everyone could sleep but that was a failure as he heard the pitter-patter of little feet.

"Suki!" Maya exclaimed, holding hands with a sleepy Ace. He took much smaller steps then her, and was in the learning process of walking. "'Morning! Say it, Ace! Say 'Morning!"

"'Orning!" Ace laughed, Katsuki's eyes softening as he picked them both in each arm.

"Good morning guys. Did I wake you?" Katsuki

"Nuh- uh. I was waiting for our mommies to wake up. But they're still sleeping. I heard music and boom! It was you!" Maya exaggerated with her hands.

"Ahh. Yeah they're really sleepy. Wanna help me? I'm making breakfast." Katsuki sat both Maya and Ace on the counter. He began taking out ingredients to make a variety of different items.

"Yes! Suki's cooking is the best!" Maya nodded her head happily as Ace was scooped up by Katsuki. He pulled a chair closer to the counter to help Maya reach the countertop properly.

As the two began cooking, Maya suggested they listen to some songs from kids shows, instead of the old school hip-hop Katsuki had playing. Of course, he allowed her to change the song from a movie called Mohana and she put on a show singing the words. She played it another time so Katsuki could learn the words and sing a duet with her.

"And no one knows, how far it goes!" Katsuki and Maya sang, Ace laughing as Katsuki spun him around dramatically. Maya threw her hands up in triumph, stomping as her and Katsuki danced and sang out of tune.

The three of them were so caught up in their fun, they didn't notice Izuku, Ochaco, nor Mina standing at the doorway. Shortly after Mina started recording, Sero stood at the doorway, his eyes red, smiling like an idiot.

"Ima get Kami and Kiri." Sero giggled, shutting himself up as he crept away stealthy. "Don't miss anything, recording."

As Mina recorded, now along with Ochaco, Izuku couldn't help but get tears in his eyes. Katsuki was going to be a great father. That was out of the question. Izuku watched at Katsuki raised Ace in the air, peppering him with kisses, as he picked up Maya with one arm and gave her kisses as well.

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