Chapter Thirty- One

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"We're almost there, okay? We're almost fucking there!" Katsuki exclaimed, as Izuku cried in the passenger seat. The pain he was experiencing was out of this world.

"K-Kacchan..." Izuku sobbed, propping his legs up on the dashboard. His lungs weren't allowing oxygen to his body. Spots began dancing in his vision.

Being as though, he was a male, he of course couldn't give birth like a female would. But his body, wasn't understanding that. His body was trying to force him to give birth naturally, and that was physically impossible. And unbearable.

"Ngh!" Izuku cried out, his nails scratching into the palms of his fist. He tried to calm down, to not let the pain eat at him. But it was impossible.

So he ended up passing out.

"I'm allowed in there, right?" Katsuki roared, as the rolled Izuku away in a stretcher. 

"While we take out your son, typically no. But you don't look like you're going to take that as an answer, so yes you can stay. But afterwards you have to leave, seeing as though we're going to be doing a major surgery." Doctor Yami sighed, as his nurses got everything ready.

"Listen. I don't care what you have to do. You save my mate and my fucking kid, alright?" Katsuki growled, as the nurses helped him suit up in a gown, as a hair net was placed over his blonde hair. "I can't lose both of them. Not after all the shit we've been through already."

"I will do my best."

"That's not fucking good enough." Katsuki sneered, his glare becoming icy.

"Listen, Mr. Bakugo." The doctor didn't break eye contact as he frowned. "Do you want me to lie to you? Because as you're designated doctor, I can't do that. This is risky, all together. It doesn't help that your son is going to be premature. It doesn't help the strain your mate has already suffered to his body. So yes, I will do my best. As a doctor, I will say I will do all I can. As a liar, I will promise you I can do this successfully. Which do you wanna hear right now?"

Katsuki was left silent. He simply nodded and followed the doctor into the room Izuku was in. He sighed, in an attempt to calm his beating heart. It was rapid, as he saw the nurses hook Izuku up to a machine.

It was really happening.

The mystery was almost suspenseful. The fear of not knowing if their son was going to be okay. The fear of not knowing if Izuku was going to survive a surgery that was never done before.

"Alright." Doctor Yami looked at his team, his hand extending. "Let's get started."

The friends sat in Katsuki's house impatient. Ace and Maya, oblivious to the whole situation, played with some toy cars. Anika and Anita played with the dangly toys in their rockers.

"Has anyone heard anything?" Sero asked, and as everyone shook their head, he managed to sink deeper into the couch. "This is fucking bonkers. It's been two hours."

"Tell me about it." Ochaco said, shuddering. "I've never seen Izuku so damn pale."

"Yeah. I hope they're okay. They need this. This happiness." Mina sighed, and as she was about to use the bathroom, her phone pinged.

Everyone exchanged looks, almost as if to see if everyone had heard Mina's phone chime. Then it happened again.

Ochaco quickly grabbed Mina's phone, and opened it. "It's Bakugo. Says to meet him at the hospital, if we want."

But by the time she had finished reading the text, the others had managed to stand up and preparing the children to leave.

After everyone was in the own cars and all good to go, the drive was a nerve racking one. Katsuki hadn't said anything. If the baby was okay, nor if Izuku was alright. He hasn't stated anything.

Once they were there, Mina ran out the car, as Ochaco put it in park. Maya and Ace were still with Ochaco, but right now, everyone was too nervous to be patient. As she got to the doors, Sero was there, holding the door for her. She glanced behind her and saw everyone walking. 

"Hi, we're here—" Kaminari started.

"Right this way." An older man stated, as everyone followed.

"Is Midoriya alright? How about the baby?" Kirishima asked, but the nurse didn't respond. He put his finger to his lips, shushing the group.

"Hush. Don't wanna be to loud." He slowly walked them down a hallway, and everyone saw it was the NICU. They all shared glances and saw Katsuki sitting down the hall.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima whisper-yelled. Katsuki's gaze was set on glass in front of him. "What happened, how is..." Kirishima followed Katsuki's gaze and gasped.

In the little incubator was a small baby boy.

His eyes were closed, but atop his head was little curls of blonde hair. He squirmed, and whined, and when he did everyone saw the light freckles sprinkled on his nose.

"Oh..." Everyone smiled, looking at the premature baby. He at least weighed three pounds, very light for a baby. Tubes were hooked onto him, in order to support his more than likely weakened immune system. "Bakubro, he's adorable."

"Yes! Aw he's adorable!" Mina cheered, trying her hardest to contain her excitement.

"Where Izuku?" Kaminari asked, asking the silent question everyone had.

"Still in surgery." Katsuki's voice was low. "They resuscitated him twice so far."

"Twice?!" Sero asked, sitting down looking at Ace and Maya. The two were looking at the baby boy, their eyes wide, seemingly amazed.

"Yeah. His heart stopped, too much going on. His body may not keep up with it." Katsuki's eyes lowered. "The surgery is really risky, but the doctor and nurses said they're gonna do all they fucking can."

"Hello, Mr. Bakugo?" A nurse called out.

"Yes?" Katsuki stood up, his legs shaking.

"He's stable. He's awake. Drugged up, but awake." The nurse smiled, leading Katsuki to Izuku's room. "The rest of you would need to stay here."

"Of course."

Katsuki walked with urgency, his palms sweaty. He blinked back tears, a sob threatening to leave his body.

As they walked into the room, Izuku turned towards the door squeaking. "Aahchan!" Katsuki smiled at Izuku's slurred words.

"You did so fucking good baby." Katsuki kissed his forehead. "So fucking good, you know that?"

Izuku looked at him groggily. "" His eyes would barely stay open.

"He's good. He is going to have to stay here for the next two months but we're allowed to be here." Katsuki smiled, as tears left his eyes. "You two are so fucking precious to me."

A knock was heard at the door, and Doctor Yami poked his head through. "I told you I would do my best." He smiled, and walked over to Izuku. "Hello, Izuku. How are you feeling?"

"Mhm." Izuku shut his eyes, seemingly going back to sleep. Katsuki and the doctor smiled at his actions.

"The surgery went well. After all the mishaps to happen, I honestly wasn't sure if he was going to make it. But, we managed to get the muscle tissue we need, and we used a bit of Stem Cells. Both should be more than enough to heal his womb. And the pain should subside soon enough."

As Katsuki nodded, the doctor continued. "Post op, please make sure he doesn't do anything to rip his stitches open. In like a three days, we will remove the external stitches. The internal ones will dissolve. Don't worry," The doctor chuckled, as Katsuki's eyebrow shot upward. "The internal ones are not like regular stitches. They're safe."

"Thank you." He smiled weakly. "For the shit you do."

"My pleasure. I'll keep Izuku here at least to watch him and on the third day of all signs are clear he can go home. Have you guys picked a name yet?"

"Home sounds nice right about now. And no, not yet." Katsuki ran his hand through Izuku's curls. "I'll let Deku decide what to name him."

To Be Continued
1355 Words

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