Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"S-so deep!" Izuku cried out, as Katsuki and him had sex in their nest.

All of the fears and insecurities Izuku was feeling, were foreign right now, as Katsuki pleased him.

Katsuki's hands were wrapped around Izuku's waist, guiding him, as Izuku rode Katsuki. Katsuki was the one holding up, Izuku seeing as his belly was bigger and it proved more difficult, but he didn't mind of course.

Katsuki's eyes never left Izuku's lustful face, his cheeks burning red. His emerald eyes were lidded, drool leaving his plump lips.

"You like that, kitten?" His voice husky, his eyes taking in all of Izuku's beauty.

"Y-yes! Oh god!" Izuku's mind was clouded by his heat. His rationality completely was minuscule compared to his desire.

"You're so beautiful. And such a good Omega. Taking my cock so well. Just like that, princess." Sweat began to gather on their bodies. Their skin slapped against each other.

Izuku moaned, moving his hands to now rest on Katsuki's chest as his Alpha continued to help ride him. After all, it was Izuku who suggested this position because it made him feel much more fuller.

"You're so beautiful. So fucking beautiful. Regardless, if you have scars or what. You're the only Omega I want. The only Omega who I love so damn much." His thrust got slightly rougher, when he felt Izuku clenching around his member.

"I-I love you! Y-you're so good to m-me!" Tears began running down Izuku's cheeks from all the pleasure. "Ngh! Kacchan~"

"Can I switch it?" As Izuku nodded vigorously, Katsuki laid Izuku down on his back, with his legs spread to the side. One hand held at Izuku's jaw, kissing him roughly as he continued to aim for Izuku's prostate.

Izuku whimpered into the kiss, his hands flying to Katsuki's hair. The kiss was full of need, immediately becoming sloppy. Their tongues danced, as their teeth clashed against one another. Katsuki's hands went from around Izuku's jaw down to his throat, wrapping around it with very little pressure. Izuku moaned, the sensation too overwhelming.

"A-Alpha!" Izuku moaned against Katsuki's lips, his eyes never leaving Katsuki's. Katsuki kissed Izuku again, this time pulling him bottom lip with his teeth, the action making Izuku cry out. "S-so close!"

"You close? You're gonna cum for me, right, Omega?" Katsuki could feel Izuku drawing closer to his climax. Izuku's breathing became ragged, his body began to shake, and he was meeting Katsuki at every thrust.

"Y-yes! Yes, yes, yes!" Izuku snaked his hands down Katsuki's muscular back and down to his ass, seemingly trying to have him go deeper inside himself. "A-ah! K-Kacchan, I'm gonna—"

Izuku's back arched off the bed, as he hit his orgasm. His breathing was sporadic, and the sight alone was so breathtaking to Katsuki, that he came shortly afterwards, pulling out and cuming all over Izuku's stomach.

The two panted, as Izuku stared into his mates eyes lovingly. "Y-you really don't mind me being bigger.. o-or this scar?"

"Of course fucking not. You're bigger because you're carrying our child. You could be skinny or not I'll still fucking love you. I am not bothered by your scars. I love you so much."

The two shared a much more passionate kiss, before Katsuki pulled away and stood up. He helped Izuku up to his feet, before walking to the shower.

"Do you think you're going to have anymore waves?" Katsuki asked, as the two showered together.

"Hm.. I doubt it. It doesn't feel like a regular heat." Izuku mumbled, blush tinting his cheeks.

"Hn.." Katsuki lifted up Izuku's head, the water rolling down their nude bodies. "You're so fucking adorable. I hope our son looks like you."

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