Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Ngh..." Izuku moaned, trying to aim for his prostate but failing. Izuku's heat had decided to come, shortly after Katsuki had left for work. It kind of worked out for Izuku, seeing as thought he was terrified.

He was so scared Katsuki would find him ugly.

His belly was much more evident, Izuku couldn't even see his toes if he looked down. He was all fat, and found himself to be unappealing to his mate. He didn't want Katsuki to see him like this.

He was okay with dealing with his heat on his own, but after knowing what it felt like to be pleasured during one, and to have a mate, it kind of made Izuku want to call Katsuki over.

Not even to mention the scar on his chest.

It was a line near his heart, the skin slightly darker then the rest of Izuku's body. The grotesque looking thing made Izuku turn away every time he saw it.

How could Katsuki want him after that?

"I-it isn't working..." Izuku panted, curling his fingers as he aimed for his bundle of nerves once more. "K-Kacchan~"

He got up, and on wobbly legs began to grab Katsuki's dirty clothes. Without Izuku even realizing what he was doing, he had began to build a nest. Slick was leaking out of his entrance, just from the simple smell of his mate, caramel tickling his senses.

Sure, Izuku has always had scars. From him earlier years from self harm, to scars from being attacked. But none of them were as dark nor as horrendous to look at. With Izuku being as large as a cow, he simply hated the thought of being touched by Katsuki in this state.

"N-no fair." He laid in the finished nest, rubbing his legs together. The friction rubbed against his hard member, causing him to cry out. He wanted to feel full. Izuku wanted to feel pleasured by his mate. Wanted to feel his mate having sex with him until it was all his mind thought about.

But he couldn't help but feel scared.

He grabbed his cock, the tip red and precum already coming out. He put the sleeve of one of Katsuki's shirt, and inhaled, his imagination taking over.

Katsuki was the one who had a grip on Izuku's cock, a smirk on his lips. Izuku pictured Katsuki was the one who began pumping his hand, tightening around the shaft, just like Izuku liked.

Izuku cried out as Katsuki ran his thumb across his swollen tip, before Katsuki used his other hand to play with Izuku's balls.

"K-Kacchan. Ngh.." He could feel his climax approaching, his eyes squeezed shut, as he bit his lip, and ragged breathes leaving his plush lips.

Izuku was so convinced that Katsuki was there, he forgotten that Katsuki's smell was only evident and strong because of the shirt Izuku that was clouding his nose.

"Oh..." Izuku shuddered, as a orgasm ran through his body. Milky cum shot out of his member and onto his stomach and hand, the Omega coming down from his high. Although it hadn't taken much to make Izuku cum, he was drained. He felt his eyes close, not bothering to cover his body, even forgetting that Katsuki was still going to have to come home eventually and see him.

It was late in the evening by the time Katsuki had returned home. He was utterly exhausted, sleep not being his friend at the moment. He constantly had nightmares of not making it to Izuku in enough time, and finding him dead, but he wouldn't disclose any of that to his Omega.

"I'm home." He called out as he walked in the door but soon stopped in his tracks. The scent he had smelled when he walked in the house was one of distress and lust. He quietly put his things down, and walked to their bedroom.

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