Chapter Seven

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Izuku sat at home alone, watching some tv. He was honestly bored out of his mind, he just wanted Katsuki to come back home so they can cuddle and spend time together. He glanced at his phone, only seeing a text from Kaminari as the two Omegas grew closer. He was even added to a group chat with just Ochako and Kaminari, because the three of them were really comfortable with each other.

Kami💛: Hey, Izu! If you want, I can start to send the links for you now? Let me know, ttyl!

Izuku had spoke to Kaminari about pups. He knows it's way to early for him and Katsuki to start thinking about them, and he could've asked Ochako, but she didn't have a pregnancy. Kaminari was legit in the middle of going through one, so Izuku was experiencing and witnessing everything Kaminari feels. It made his heart swell, the thought of having his own pups one day. It was something that he's always wanted, and he felt as though Katsuki was the person for him. 
His phone chimed again and it was Kaminari sending links for what to expect during pregnancy. Male Omegas had slightly different symptoms to female pregnancy. He knew Izuku was not ready for them at the moment, but he knew how badly Izuku wants a family.
Just as Izuku was about to respond to the text, he heard a knock at the door. He looked at the time, not sure when Katsuki would be home. His hours were flexible since it was his family's company. He racked his head of people who would show up at the door, as he looked through the peep hole. His eyes widened, and he took a step back, shakily. Shoto stood there, glaring at the door.
"I can smell you, Izuku~". Shoto called out, as Izuku ran from the door. He grabbed his phone, and looked for a hiding spot. Distress pheromones were pouring out of him, as tears pricked his eyes. He dialed Katsuki's number, as he buried himself as far as he could into the closet, using the clothes to cover himself. He held his breath, as he heard the door being kicked down, and he heard the voice of Katsuki's voicemail.

Please, Kacchan..Please!
He called again, his heart beating so fast it started to hurt. He didn't want anything to do with Shoto. He may have been with Katsuki a short amount of time, but Katsuki has done nothing but show him what is was like to be loved and cared for. He didn't want to be violated again.
After Katsuki didn't answer again, Izuku began to fear the worse. He heard Shoto, spewing threats as he came closer to the room, and suddenly called Kaminari. He should answer, and hopefully help Izuku. On the third ring, Kaminari's cheery voice could be heard on the other line. "Hey, Izu! How are—"
"K-Kaminari!" Izuku cried out, his voice breaking into sobs. "P-please get help! S-Shoto's h-here! I need h-help plea—" Izuku was cut short, as the closet door was ripped open, and Shoto stood there snarling.
"Found you, Omega~" Shoto yanked Izuku off the ground, causing him to drop his phone. "Let's gets this over with."
"S-Shoto, p-please!" Izuku cried and thrashed around, in an attempt to break free from the Alphas grasp. "P-please s-stop!"
"Who the hell do you think you are, running off with some poor excuse of an Alpha! I fucking own you, you hear me?!" Shoto screamed as he stepped on Izuku, his cries getting ignored. "You think that Alpha actually gives a fuck about you!? You're just needed for when he need to get a load off, you worthless piece of shit!" Izuku laid in the fetal position, as Shoto hit him endlessly. Blood began gathering in his mouth, as new bruises began forming.
"Oh how I missed fucking you. You always were the best Omega I've had~" Shoto smiled as he began unbuttoning his pants. Izuku looked up and cried harder.
"P-please, S-Shoto! Please s-stop! I-I don't want this!" Izuku's voice was broken, as he made a poor attempt to crawl away.
"You don't have a choice."

Katsuki sat in the meeting room with his parents. They were discussing the new designs Katsuki had made and how it would sell in stores.
Quite frankly, Katsuki was bored out of his mind, just wanting to be done with this meeting and go home and spend time with Izuku.
Suddenly he heard his phone vibrate in his pocket, and he went and was about to look at it when his mother cleared her throat. She held her hand out, just like she used to do when he was a child and he reluctantly placed his phone in her hand. As the meeting went on, his phone rang again, and as he was about to suggest he should just answer it, his mother silenced it again. He sighed and just sat in the meeting, as a bad feeling began gnawing at the back of his head.
Just then, the doors burst open and Mina ran in, out of breath. She looked at Katsuki and walked up to him, ignoring his parents telling her to leave, and she slapped him. "Why the fuck are you ignoring your calls?!"
Katsuki held his cheek as he looked at her incredulously. "My mother has my phone. And besides Mina, your working with me, there's no need to call me and slap me because I don't answer—"
"It was Izuku, dumbass!" Mina shouted, causing Katsuki to ignore his stinging cheek, and stood up immediately. "That bastard Shoto showed up to your fucking house! He's there with Izuku and..."Her voice trailed off, as Katsuki walking past her. "Kaminari called me. He heard everything. Kirishima and Sero are on their way and the cops were called." She ran after Katsuki, and soon they were at the parking lot. Katsuki didn't take his car, because Ochako was already in hers, waiting for the two.
"Hurry up!" Katsuki growled, his Alpha losing rationality. He can't believe that bastard went and had the audacity to show up to his house. Izuku was probably there suffering again, and here he was stuck at work and couldn't answer the calls because his mother didn't want him to. He felt like he failed as an Alpha.

The ride to Katsuki's house to be quicker than usual, and as the trio pulled up, so did Kirishima and Sero. The cops weren't here yet, but they didn't plan on waiting for them.

They all noticed Katsuki's door kicked in, and Katsuki was the first one running in the house. The minute he stepped in, he could smell the distress and lust pheromones. Each step felt like time was slowing down, and once he finally reached Izuku's bedroom, he snapped.

Shoto was there, with Izuku's legs thrown over his shoulders as he fucked him. Izuku's clothes were torn, and he was covered in bruises, his eyes shut from passing out. Tear streaks ran down his cheeks, and his arms laid limp on the floor. Bite marks, and claw marks were all over his body. Shoto grabbed Izuku's still face, and kissed his lips, though Izuku was unresponsive. Just as Shoto was about to switch positions, Katsuki went over there and yanked him off of Izuku.
"Hn!" Shoto grunted as Katsuki began wailing on him. He punched, bit, clawed anywhere that was accessible for him. Shoto didn't have time to recover from the last hit, because the next one was being thrown. As Katsuki pumpled Shoto's face, the others walked in, and saw the state of everything. Mina and Ochako covered up Izuku in a nearby blanket and Sero and Kirishima attempted to take Katsuki off of the now brutally beated Shoto. His face now almost unrecognizable, and Katsuki was such in a feral state, he didn't realize the damage he was doing.

"Bakugo, stop it!" Sero called out, trying to avoid the wrath of the Alpha. He already managed to get punched in the face, and Kirishima as well. "You're going to kill him!" Although Sero understood why Katsuki wanted to kill Shoto. Seeing as if Sero saw his partner in the state Izuku was in, he'd go batshit crazy too. The poor Omega was horribly beaten, and just had got raped again. Izuku wasn't even Sero's Omega, nor had he known Izuku that long but he could tell Izuku was one of the kindest people he's met.
"Back the fuck off!" Katsuki roared, his heart rate through the roof. All he could see was red, as he ignored the stinging in his hands. His knuckles were split open, his eyes dilated. But it wasn't enough for him.
"Bakugo, it's Izuku! Please stop! The cops are here, please!" Ochako cried, the ash blonde swiveling his head towards her. "H-he's bad, Bakugo..." Her voice was a whisper, as he took a step away from the barely conscious Shoto. "Watch him. Don't let this bitch get away." He looked at Kirishima and Sero with undirected malice, and went to check on Izuku. He heard the sirens in the distance, and his hate steadily turned into guilt.
Mina and Ochako managed to put Izuku on his bed. The Omega looked pale, still unconscious. Katsuki sat on the mattress, and held Izuku in his arms. He put his head on Izuku's chest and heard a faint heartbeat, but it sounded so small. "Deku wake up." Katsuki's voice cracked, as the cops walked in the door. They put Shoto in cuffs, and had paramedics take him away in one truck, and put Izuku in a stretcher and put him in another. Katsuki sat in the truck with him, and the others said they'll meet them at the hospital.

As the paramedics checked on his vitals, Katsuki could only stare at Izuku with regret. He never thought that Shoto would take it a step further and show up to the house. He should've taken more precaution. He lowered his head, and grabbed onto Izuku's limp hand and cried. His frustration, his regret, his guilt—everything coming to the surface at once.

His job was supposed to protect, and provide a safe haven for his Omega, the person he's loved and cared for all his life. But he couldn't even do that properly. Izuku has always played a major part in Katsuki being where he is at in his life, and now that he had managed to get Izuku back in his life, he wanted to repay the debt to him. He wanted to make up for the years of neglect and abuse Izuku had to go through. He wanted to make up for the bullying and mistreatment Izuku suffered because of him.

He simply wanted Izuku to feel happy.

But he couldn't help him. He couldn't protect him.

And that was the most painful thing Katsuki's ever had to experience: not being able to protect his mate not once but twice.

When Izuku wakes up again, Katsuki wasn't sure what to do. He was going to take a leave from work that was certain. He was going to make sure his Omega was okay, and he could care less about the job. Izuku's life mattered more than that job, and he'd do anything to help him.

Katsuki held on tighter to Izuku's hand and brought it to his lips, before kissing it gingerly. "I swear on my life, Deku. I'll fucking protect you if it's the last thing I do. Never again. Never fucking again."

To Be Continued
1952 words

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