Chapter Fifteen

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"Mhm.... Kacchan..." Izuku mumbled, sleep heavy in his eyes. The last wave of Izuku's heat just finished. All Izuku had wanted to do was have sex with Katsuki. If Katsuki wasn't in control, he would've allowed it. Izuku was even willing to miss meals and sleep in order for them to hold each other that way.

Katsuki wasn't sure if it was because Izuku was now marked, but Katsuki couldn't seem to go anywhere without Izuku tagging along. It proved things difficult especially if Katsuki simply wanted to use the bathroom. Izuku wanted to constantly be with him.

"I'm going to grab us fucking food. We haven't eaten in hours." Katsuki suppressed a smirk. The last wave seemed to give Izuku energy. He managed to last a few rounds.

"L-let me go with you." Izuku tried to sit up, only for him to wince and lay back down. "I want to be with you, Kacchan..."

"Kitten, I'll be right downstairs. It'll be okay." Katsuki covered Izuku's body with the blanket as he shivered. "If anything since you don't seem to have the fucking energy, you can call me? Something to keep you at ease, if you want?"

"N-no." Izuku blushed, his eyes lowered. "I'll wait here. I don't want to annoy you." Before Katsuki could object, Izuku smiled softly. "I know what you're going to say. But it's okay. I-I'll wait here. I might fall asleep though." Izuku's cheeks tinted red.

"Rest up, kitten. I'll wake you when the foods done. And then we're going to bathe. Relax those muscles a bit, yeah? Sounds nice?" Izuku nodded, as Katsuki tucked his hair behind his ear. "Good. Want anything in specific? Or want me to surprise you?"

Izuku's eyes were closed as he smiled. "Anything Kacchan makes is wonderful. I'll eat anything not spicy."

They shared a quick kiss as Katsuki put on a pair of shorts, not bothering for a t-shirt or underwear. "Consider it fucking done. I'll be back."

Katsuki couldn't stop the smile that crept on to his face. He was mated. His Omega was finally his. The feeling of finally becoming one with Izuku was a sensation he couldn't even describe with words. But it was heavenly for him.

As Katsuki grabbed the ingredients to make Izuku french toast, a small knock was heard at his door. His smile grew wider, as he opened it. He knew who was there. He couldn't help but be happy for his friends.

"Hey." Kirishima greeted, a sleepy looking Kaminari next to him. Kaminari had bags under his eyes, but his eyes were full of an unidentifiable emotion as he looked at their daughters. Sero walked up behind them, holding a baby stroller.

"Hey, jackasses." Katsuki let them in the house, being as quiet as possible in order to not wake the newborns.  "Making breakfast. Y'all want anything?"

"Please?" Kaminari pleaded. He sat down and cooed at his daughter, as Kirishima held the other one lovingly. "Is Izu here?"

Katsuki nodded. He figured if anyone was excited to meet the twins it would be Izuku. It was a shock to everyone that Kaminari was having twins. Every time Kaminari went for an ultrasound appointment, apparently the other baby was behind the other one. It was a surprise the babies were delivered safely.

"He might be fucking exhausted. He just finished his heat." Katsuki said as he sat down next to Kaminari. His eyes looked at the little girl adoringly. "She's so tiny."

Kaminari smiled. " you want to hold her? Her name is Anita, and her sisters name is Anika." Katsuki looked at Kaminari with bewilderment.

"Wouldn't you get confused? Why name them so similarly?" His voice little as Kaminari instructed Katsuki how to properly hold his arms.

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