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You little devils with your sweet comments and bloody votes and everything! Making me want to write a new chapter!

It was so tempting to write, I couldn't stop.

But I've said it before and I'll say it now, I won't be updating this daily. Not until I've finished Element. Once that fanfiction is out of the way, I'll start updating daily chapters of this.

Don't worry, Element will be finished soon xD

You guys were so sweet in the last chapter so this is my thanks!

Please excuse any gramatical mistakes, and enjoy~♥

By the time we finish introductions, the class ends. Dessia and Kaeya leave me behind as they dash out of the classroom to our room, and I end up being the last one to leave.

"Oh, Y/N. Come here a second..." Mr. Holmes gestures me over, not looking up from his papers.

My eyes widen. What if I was in trouble? Whatever, I'm not scared. I did nothing wrong...right?

"Yes?" I ask confidently, as I walk over to him.

"You said you wanted to know how I knew your name." He says, looking up from his papers at me.

His bright turquoise irses glittered in the provided light of the classroom, but I didn't let it get to me.

"Aha...yes. Care to explain your...deduction?" I ask, amused. I think I accidentally sounded a bit seductive but whatever.

"Oh, I don't know...I don't want to show off..." He says crossing his arms, creating the illusion of being deep in thought, when we both knew he wanted me to beg.

My professor is strange.

"Please?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh, alright." The corner of his lips crease upwards.

I take a seat and place both my elbows on the desk, spectating him. I'm sure Dessia and Kaeya won't mind of I'm a few minutes late for watching Doctor Who with them tonight.

"When you and your friends walked in, I noticed Dessia had her folder in her hand and on it were three names: Dessia, Kaeya, and Y/N, with an alarming amount of heart stickers plastered on the front of the folder as well. Dessia had a nametag on her bag so that eliminates the owner of that name. Now, the names Kaeya and Y/N were the only names I was oblivious to the owners of, left on the folder. Balance of probability says that it was both your names, because you two were together with the girl named Dessia, but how did I know which of you two was named Kaeya and which of you was named Y/N? Simple. I spectated every single student in the class to deduce it down a bit. The dolts gave me quite the fair advantage of figuring out your name, merely by the impressions they seemed to have of you. They stared at you with a tiny bit of intrigue, due to your (shy/bold/casual) entrance. Y/N...the name has a sort of (shy, bold/casual) ring to it too, don't you think? Aside from that, whilst spectating your fellow classmates, I noticed that people were staring at Kaeya as if she were a foreigner. Her name is more foreign than yours and she definitely looks more foreign, therefore leading me closer to improving my assumption. I could go on forever about how everyone's pupils directed me to the answer but unfortunately I seem to have forgotten about my plans this evening, sorry. I could schedule to meet another time if you're not fully convinced." He says quickly, staring at me.

He just turned on my inner sapiosexual self.

I didn't even know I had one...

"No, no...I'm convinced. More than convinced actually..." I swallow, trying to process my thoughts, and not look as startled as I am.

Professor Posh ➳ Teacher x Student/Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now