A Close Proximity

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I apoligize for taking FOREVER to update my stories, I hit a writers block on all of them.

It was so sad, I was so lost on what to write to continue any of my stories in the direction I wanted them to go, but I think I'm okay now.

I will try to update regularly, thank you for understanding darlings♥ you didn't deserve that hell.

Love you babes~♥


I quickly sit up from my bed sleepily.

I feel so refreshed...

What time is it?

Picking up my alarm, my eyes widen.

It's Saturday, and I overslept!

I was supposed to be at Professor Holmes' class today thirty minutes ago!

Dessia and Kaeya are sound asleep, as I quickly decide what to wear after taking a shower.

I slip on something quick, and dash out to his class.

When I reach his door, I hold a fist up to knock firmly, but before I can knock he opens the door, standing there with a sour expression.

He looks pissed.

"You're late." He glares down at me.

"I know! I'm sorry, I jus--" He interrupts me before I can finish my excuse, by grabbing me by my arm and yanking me in the class, shutting the door behind him.

I stand there awkwardly, biting my bottom lip.

"Have a seat, and we will begin your lesson on deductions." He tells me cooly, and I take a seat in the front.

The classroom is empty. It's just us.

It's a bit awkward, I'll admit -- but I can tell why he didn't refuse an option like this. He's obviously teaching something he doesn't like. I mean, Chemistry Major teaching literature? It's strange.

"Y/N? Y/N, are you paying attention?" He snaps me out of my thoughts with his british accent.

"Yes." I answer, blinking quickly.

He raises tension with a brief intense gaze. His irises pierce through my soul, but I do not wince -- his eyes are much too beautiful to wince to.

"So, first, you need to know who -- or what, you will be deducing. Such factors include origin -- where is the item or person from, for instance..." He explains.

I nod my head in an affirmative manner as he continues on for thirty minutes.


I never thought it was humanly possible to learn so much in under an hour.

His logic is so...logical.

It may seem complex at first, but that's just his brain, and when he describes his perspective, it makes it easier for me to get the hand of deductions.

At the moment, he was sitting at the desk next to me, telling me stories about him and Dr. Watson.

They've had some pretty awesome adventures.

The Elephant In The Room was one of my personal favorite of his cases.

We got so off topic. I came for a lesson on deductions, which lasted about thirty minutes. Now we're talking about our wild adventures.

Professor Posh ➳ Teacher x Student/Sherlock x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now