chapter 10

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Last chapter which is bittersweet to me because I love working on this book and am thankful for all the reads and votes. But now I am ready to end this book i don't really know where to go with it... but if you like julie and the phantoms then maybe to might like the other book I have coming up soon. 
       Anyways  enjoy

Veronica pov- 8 months later on their wedding day 💖

I am so happy that I am marrying the man of my dreams. The man who I want to have kids with and grow old with Archie is my rock and has been there for me many times. Finally today I am going to marry him and be able to be called Veronica lodge - Andrew's. I am in a beautiful white  lace wedding dress that is off the shoulders and shows a bit of cleavage but I sill look classy.

 I am in a beautiful white  lace wedding dress that is off the shoulders and shows a bit of cleavage but I sill look classy

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This is her dress

I love my dress it is simple but elegant I am so happy today.

Archie pov

Today is going to be amazing I am going to marry Veronica and she we get to become Veronica lodge Andrew's. I have like Veronica even before her little glow up and I am happy that I able to call her my wife in exactly 1 hour 38 minutes and 15 seconds. But who's counting anyways. Veronica planned most of our wedding and its almost as gorgeous as her. She picked the colors venue, food , dj ,
(anything else you need for a wedding but I don't want to write it 🙃)
I only helped picking the cake.

Wedding ceremony 💍

V - I take you Archie Andrew's to be my husband

A- I take you Veronica Cecilia lodge to be my wife.

V- i do

A- i do times 100

You may now kiss your bride  👰

Archie pov
This kiss is nothing like we have shared before this one is so intimate and special than all the others we have shared in her room, at my house, at school, by the lockers, and in pops. Our lips fit together perfectly and I can't help myself from smiling but  I have to remember there are more than 100 people watching us and to save ut for our honeymoon. We both finally  pull away smiling ear to ear and see all of our friends taking pictures. Cheryl  was crying and recoding us.

Now to the after party still Archie pov

Mr.lodge comes walking up to me I feel myself tense up me an him have always been cool but I just married his daughter and took her from him. Archie I just wanted to tell you congratulations and to take care of my daughter. If not I will hurt  you never break  her heart so I don't have to break you face and every bone in your body. Alright now go dance with your new wife she says patting my back as if he had not just made me shit my pants.

V pov
No I am officially an Andrew's and I can't wait to have kids in the future with Archie but right now all I can do is stare into his eyes while I am dancing with Archie. I can't wait for our honeymoon in a week.

5 years later

Archie and Veronica are still in Riverdale they live in the Pembroke but have doe some remodeling projects to make it bigger. Veronica opened a jewelry shop and she also  runs a rum business  with Cheryl . Archie is a football coach at Riverdale high and he still helps kids at his boxing place which Veronica helped him fix up. Now they have two kids 1 girl her name is Juliana and she is 3. They also have a little boy Freddie who is named after his grandfather Fred Andrew's he is 9 months old. They are a happy little family and love each other so much.

Well everyone  this story  has come to an end and I would love to thank each and everyone of you for that. I hope you all are staying safe and take care of yourselves. Thank you for reading once again

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