Chapter 2

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V. We had talked the whole period and got to learn about each other we had so much fun he was really funny and made the best jokes. Class ended he asked me what class I had we had the same class Me. Snowdon. Archie asked me if I wanted to sit with him he. I said sure.

The day ended veronica and archie had 4 classes together.

A. Through the whole day me and veronica sat next to each other in all the classes we had just talking she is really smart and I felt that this year could be really fun and maybe we could be friends. I found out she never had a boyfriend wow that was shocking I mean I thought maybe one guy. I went home to get ready I was meeting Reggie and jughead in 2 hours.

V. I finished my homework because my dad died when I was two from being shot it was only my mom and I didn't see her much as she worked to make she we had everything we needed she was a business women. I watched TV then took a shower made some dinner. I open my diary to write....

Hi today was the beat first day of school because I got to spend it with the hottest boy Archie Andrews we sat and talked he had an amazing smile wow. He called me pretty like 5 times but I thought he was kidding maybe I should try to turn him on tommorow. He had a lot of exes like 4. He only had sex with one of them though Josie but the other girls he didn't love.  He was kind I thought he had sex with a lot of girls I was so wrong. He made me like him more well goodbye for now diary.

A. I had met jughead and Reggie at Pop's at our booth "hey Andrew's they said" they asked me about today so I told them I sat next to Veronica in my classes we had a lot of classes together she was really cute and I like her as a friend. Reggie " sure you sound like you like her because of what you guys talked about today bit remember I am going to ask her out not you Andrew's." I told him please don't she is really easy to hurt and is still in pain from her dad so don't. He said fine you can have her I like this other girl she is really pretty Reggie said. We ate our food and laughed. I was happy and couldn't wait for school I didn't want to be late so I went home and went to sleep after saying goodnight to my mom and dad.

Part 3 coming soon I hope you like it

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