First day of school

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Veronica: I woke up extra early to make sure I wasn't late and could get my classes. Over summer I had a glow up because I went to New York and my skin cleared up and I got new fashion from katy My old friend. I walked out my door and Betty and Kevin were waiting for me. we said hi and got all happy they have been picking me up since high school started last year this is my second year hopefully it's not he'll.

Archie: I was at school by 5am to practice for our football game I was the Captain. I could get any girl I wanted because they were at my feet. I was not a virgin I lost it last year me and reggie had a bet I went through with it Loser lodge was on this year's hit list she was a 9.6 and Reggie was going to get her.

School bell rang

V: I was sitting all alone when Archie came in looking all hot with a not he was getting changed Mr. Rex told him to sit next to me my heart was racing and I was scared of what this year will bring because I had to sit next to him the whole year. As he say down he looked me up and down and grinned I brushed it off because I liked him since 1st grade. Mr. Rex said talk to ypur partner that is all you will be doing today we'll I mark your seating and get our work ready for the next few days.

A: Hey lodge how was your summer
V: Good went to New York to see my friends.
A: wow what happened you look so dam hot (he leaned in and looked into her eyes)
V: Hey back up your just a fuckboy who is trying to get me in bed so I look different I haven't changed. At all so let's just talk and get to know each other.

Edit - I know this is short and I hope you like please vote and feel free to comment any ideas

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