Chapter 3

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A I was so happy to see her at school even though we just started school I was doing better I wanted to make her like me because I was sure she didn't so I did my hair and made sure I smelled really good I hope she would like it and would like me. This was different I never liked girls I just did them and left them so veronica lodge was some thing different.

V today I did my hair really nice and made sure I smelled my best. I put on a shorter skirt then usual just so he would look at me and like me because I thought he was cute well just really hot. I arrived at school and he was walking into 1st period already there was No teacher and no ther students. He was fixing his hair looking so cute doing it. I walked up and sat next to him. "Hi archie" "hey" he said he looked so nervous school started in 45 mins so why are you here I thought you came late. "Well when I met you veronica I started to come to school to make sure I get a good education." Wow who knew you could learn "Archie I have a question.... Why are you so nervous right now?" Umm well " I don't know but do you think I'm cute veronica because every girl thinks so but do you think I'm cute." I put my hand over his and told him why do you care what I think. " Veronica I trust you and your my friend so what do you think." Your Cute arch.

A That was all I needed to hear "your cute arch" my heart stopped. the day went by so fast and I asked her to wait until everybody left so we could talk.
V thinking does he know u like him what is he gonna ask or talk about I made sure I look pretty but that was hard because we sat next to each other. V thinking ended.  Just as everybody left my heart was racing how was I going to ask her out like what was she gonna say. "So Archie what did you want to talk about or did you need help with school work" well Veronica first of all umm........... Do you wanna go out with me? I said looking down nervous rubbing the back of my neck. Yes I'll go out with you she said blushing. But today is the only day I'm free for tge next 5 days so. When? I asked her if I could pick her up at 6pm tonight she said yes. Before she left I said I'll see you at 6 today its a date. I rushed home and did so my homework then took a shower and got all dressed up I made she to tell her look really fancy that we are going on a nice date not to Pop's. I left my house at 5 so I could pick up roses and chocolate.

V pov
Well I was so nervous and happy at the same time so I did all my HW and got ready I put on the perfume that Archie said he loved I put on a tight red dress that was short just above the knee. My door bell rang and there he was with a dress shirt and roses and chocolate for me?? His mouth was open and he was checking me out. Wow is all he could say I told him to cone in my Mom was in N.Y. for 3 months would love you so are you ready to go I asked him. We were on our way he looked so nervous trying to grab my had so I held his hand. I said are you always this nervous or..
Well no I'm really not but you look so pretty and most girls just try to do other things while I'm driving I was scared of what you were going to think of me. WOW no I saw you were sacred and needed some help. We get to this fancy restaurant and laughed the whole time and were smiling he was looking so handsome so I grabbed his hand again and he smiled and said. You know you different from most girls who were at my feet trying to date me your nice kind smart and really pretty. Pur date was fun but after He drove us to his house and grabbed some comfy clothes so we could go to my house and watch a movie. Then he drove me home and we walked inside. He changed his clothes and I changed mine into blue silk pjs with matching shorts and walked downstairs to see him in grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

Archie Pov
She looked so just amazing walking in those silk PJs tommorow was Saturday so no school which meant 2 days of me not seeing her. She sat next to me and she wanted to watch Disney Lion King she was cold even under the blanket so I took off my hoodie and told her to wear it but I had no shirt she just started at my abs and blushed. It was 1am and she was asleep on my chest in my hoodie so I put the blanket over us and went to sleep. The next morning I had the best wake up with her laying on me she realized where she was and just smiled at me. We both got dressed and I texted my parents to let them know where I was and what happened and they were so happy and said she likes me and I should kiss her so I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair and changed into the clothes I brought she came downstairs looking all perfect and asked me if I wanted food so she made us breakfast and we talked bout the night before and how we had so much fun. Then after breakfast I had walked up and scared her in her room as she was putting on her necklace we both sat in the bed. I told her I liked her and she looked at me and in that moment I kissed her it was perfect and she kissed back we made out for 30 mins and she was laying her bed with the buttons of her shirt undone I had no shirt. Then we got fixed up and said our goodbyes.

V pov
We ate breakfast and he had scared me me while putting my necklace on he sat on my bed so I sat next to him and he was looking into my eyes holding my hand and told me he liked me before I could say anything he kissed me he was an amazing kisser wow. We made out for 30 mins and he undid my buttons on my shirt and I took off his shirt. I was sad to see him leave but I was so happy and wish we could make out more.

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