Chapter 4

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I liked him so much and was so happy about what happened but I didn't know what we were but we made out it felt like it was meant to be I wondered what he thought so I text him.

V- hey archie

A- hey Ronnie how have you been

V- good But are your parents home right now.

A- no they aren't home do you wanna come over maybe....

V- Yes I will be over in 10 mins ok see you then bye archiekins ❤❤

I finished my makeup and put on lipstick that didn't a smudge just in case. And I arrived to his house he was in a hoodie and jeans but still looked so handsome wow he said to me even though I was wearing a crop top and jeans but they were my favorite because of what they had

 And I arrived to his house he was in a hoodie and jeans but still looked so handsome wow he said to me even though I was wearing a crop top and jeans but they were my favorite because of what they had

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On the inside of my jeans and when I lost my virginity I wanted to wear these and I really wanted archie to be the one to see that but it was a dream.

she looked so pretty and I could kiss her all over and do other things but she didn't liked me and just kissed me for the heat of the moment. I wanted to be the one she lost her virginity to.
Ronnie umm I have question did you want to kiss me or did you feel pressured. "No you were fine but why are you so nervous" she stepped closer to me and I could hear my heart beat. She looked at me and I asked it she wanted to go to my room to watch movies. Yes. So we sat on my bed watching IT chapter 2 it was 7pm and my parents were gone for 4 days which meant veronica could come over. She got scared and jumped in my arms she looked me in the eyes her brown eyes were so pretty. Then I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss that she would never forget she kissed me back and ran her hands through my hair she was sitting on my lap and we kissed until we ran out of breath. Wow Ronnie you are a amazing kisser damm she just laughed.

 Wow Ronnie you are a amazing kisser damm she just laughed

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As soon as I got to his house he looked me up and down at the door. Then he asked me if I wanted to kiss him or did I feel pressured I told him I wanted too he was so nervous. Then we went into his room and put on IT chapter 2. At one part of the movie I got scared so I jumped in Archie's arms and we looked into each others eyes until he leaned in and kissed me we kissed until we ran out of breath it was amazing. I asked him a question that I knew the answer to he most likely didnt like me. Hey Archie um.. Do you umm....... Do you like me like not as a friend? He looked at me shocked and said how did you know I got a crush on you but was scared that you would reject me. Really archie I have liked you before this year. But I didn't think you would date me and even this year I never thought you would date me so I was happy when you kissed me the first time. I heard the best words ever ronnie he took my hand and asked me to be his GIRLFRIEND. I yelled he'll yes I would love to then we kissed some more and then it was 2am and I left but best night ever. That is when I knew he was the guy I wanted to loose my virginity with but would he do that with me . tommorow is Sunday and my mom ia out of town for another week and Archie's are out for 4 more days so maybe we will sleep together.
Did I mention we have no school Monday Tuesday or Wednesday.

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