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The doctor entered the chilly office, where I was perched on an uncomfortable arm chair. He had that grim look on his face as always, yet seemed darker that morning. He sat down and flipped open Arizona's chart
"So..." I asked "what's wrong with Arizona?"

The doctor looked at me a moment before responding. "Are you familiar with the narcotic drug called OxiContin and a proper dosage?"

My mind boggled. "Well, of course, I've per strived it many times at a maximum dosage of 40 milligrams."

The doctor nodded and responded "precisely, Dr. Torres. And why is it important to keep narcotics locked up?"

"Well, to prevent overdose and misuse" I remarked quizzically.

The doctor inhaled as he began to talk " at Ocean City Medical center, we take safety incredibly seriously. But, u must inform you there has been an incident."

My heart leaped. "Ok... What does have to do with Arizona?"

" a nurse lackadaisically left a narcotics cart outside an extremely high suicide risk patient" the doctor informed me.

My world began to slowly spin " and... And that was... Arizona."

"We are doing everything we can. It's hard to reduce the nearly 75 milligrams she ingested."

I remained quiet as I stared at the ground,unsure what to do.

"Callie, Arizona just attempted suicide."

And that's when I started to hyperventilate.

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