3|New girl

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Y/n's Pov:

Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz! Bzz-

I rolled over to my side turning my alarm off on my phone, great, first day of school in the middle of high school. Why wouldn't it be? I sat up stretching and rubbing my eyes slowly making my way downstairs, "Hey honey how'd you sleep" my mom asked while she was making breakfast "It was ok" I said sleepily.

I walked back upstairs trying to find my toothbrush and hair brush in my suitcase, I found them and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth and trying to do something with my hair other than keeping it down.

I finally decided to just put it in a ponytail, I looked at the time 8:43 am. I hurried trying to find whatever clothes I could find and grabbed my bag heading out the door, crap I can't be late on my first day.

I got there at 9:05 am, only 10 minutes before first period started. I took out my schedule looking at what I had first, science. I went in to find my locker which was actually easy to find, but I didn't know how to open it.

It was different than my one from my last school, "Do you need help?" A voice from behind me scared me and i turned around to see Aidan.

"I- uh yeah I need help..." I said putting my hand over my face, I felt embarrassed cause I needed help with my stupid locker. "Ok so what's your code?" He asked, I handed him my little piece of paper with the code on it.

"So what you need to do is spin it to 0 that way it resets anything if anyone's been messing with it, then go the left twice going to your first number which is 3. Go to the left again but only once and your second number 6, then to the right once going to 6 then left one more time to your last number which is 2. And done, it's open"

I smiled a little with everything he had just said because he sounded a little bit like a nerd, but in a cute way.

"Thanks Aidan" I said "Anything to help you, hey actually what's your first class? Maybe I could help you get there." He said before walking away, I looked at my schedule "Its science for my first period" I said looking up.

When i did look up Aidan looked surprised, "Well then we can walk together cause that's my first period too. I mean if you want" he said putting his hand on his neck, was he nervous?

"Actually that sounds great, you can walk with me" I smiled already walking even though I dosnt know where I was going. "It's this way" he said pointing while I turned around following him, we got there in time cause the bell had just rung. Sitting next to Aidan everyone started to settle down while the teacher wrote on the board.

"Ok class so today we have a new student, Y/n would you mind introducing yourself please?" Are you kidding me! I cant even do a class presentation without feeling scared or something!

I stood up with my mouth open as if I was gonna talk but nothing came out, at the corner of my eye I could see some boys trying not to laugh, I finally spoke but when I did I looked at them. That got them to shut up, "Hey who were you staring at when you were talking Y/n" Aidan whispered.

"Those boys over there cause they kept laughing" I whispered back to him, he looked over and whispered back "You mean Blake and Cameron?" I looked at him "Yes?.." I didnt know there names but yeah, "Well there assholes and unfortunately I work with them" I stopped "Wait... work?" I asked, ok I feel stupid now.

He looked down for a second "I play in a show called The Umbrella Academy, and they play the younger versions of my siblings in the show" I had no words on what Aidan was telling me, your telling me I've been talking to an actor this whole time? "I- can we talk about this after school Aidan?" I asked, still in awe that he's an actor. "Yeah that's fine" he said turning back to his paper, then I realized I hadn't even put my name on mine yet.

The boy next door||Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now