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She asked him immediately after opening her eyes when she realised he had been staring at her for so long. Łukasz snapped from his thoughts and shrugged. 'Did I drool?' She sat up, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. The grey comforter slipped down, pooling in her laps unravelling the milky bare skin underneath it. He sighed softly at the sight and her eyes widened.

'Zboczeniec.' She cried out, throwing the pillow towards his direction and wrapping the comforter back around her chest.

'Nothing I haven't seen before.' He muttered his defence, his teasing smile lingered on his face as he walked towards the drawer, pulling a shirt. She grunted, accepted the shirt he offered immediately and noticed that her lover was already suited.

'Luka, I thought you said your flight is tomorrow?' She said in confusion.

'Tomorrow is today.' He sat next to her, smoothing her messy hair. 'You're leaving me again.' She mumbled nonchalantly, he could read the annoyance in her brown eyes. 'It's my work, I need you to understand that-' He rubbed the back of her hand with eyes bored in hers, begging, '-it's not like I'm leaving you for other girls. Just for a month.'

'It's sucks seeing you guys losing.' She muttered, her heart-shaped lips pursed forward. 'You suck, Piszczu.' She punched his arms playfully and his eyes widened. The boy leaped, capturing the girl beneath him and attacking her with kisses on her sensitive neck and tickles on her stomach. 'Say it again.' He whispered, his heavy breath slowly heating the girl's core. 'Make me.' She dared and Lukasz smirked.

The smirk slowly die and he sighed, 'I love you.' He whispered, kissing her lips slowly, 'I wish you could've come with me.' He tangled his fingers among the short locks of her brown hair. 'In few more months, Luka. We can get marry and run to Germany and I'll open a bakery and we can live above.' He sat up and she straddled him, arms tight around his neck.

'Yeah right.' He laughed and she did too, in between their kisses.

'I have something.' He suddenly remembered and detangled the girl, literally throwing her (luckily) on bed. The girl literally rolled her eyes and decided to look for her phone somewhere in the sea of comforter and pillows. When he returned back, he held up a brown paper wrapped box (she thought) and she gave him a questioning look.

'What is that, Piszczek?'

'Promise me. One entry per day. No peeking.'

'What is it?' She asked giggling, her arms reached forward eagerly for the present. 'Seriously, Błaszczykowska. Obiecujesz?' He placed the packaging on her laps.

She nodded, 'Okay.'

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