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Morning; /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ [n.]

It was the way you walked around in the Dortmund apartment in my boxer; your hips swayed left and right when you didn't realise I was in fact awake.

And that grin when you realised I was in fact awake.

It was the way you sat at the end of the bed, awake after 8 hours of not sleeping with red eyes stained of tears because the main character had died and you apparently got attached to them since page 3 because you related them to you so much.

I hugged you and I fell back asleep to you reading me the story.

It was the way the room smelled of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee with a faint stink stench of Jules' wet food and your loud scream when Jules climbed on the table. Jules had stole one of my pancakes, again.

Apparently, according to the little black ball of fur, pancakes make a good headrest on the sofa.

It was the different way you woke me up on my birthday or your own; jumping on the bed (I swore that the bed springs were creaking loudly) and you always tended to step on my fingers where you'll bring it up and kissed so softly.

'Does it still hurt?' You asked, eyes wide with concern and your brought the fingers up to kiss it again. I grinned.

It was the way we went to bed, quietly but the different way we got out of bed; you tend to be quiet and gentle (only the sound of your metatarsal pads of your feet against the wooden floor) while I tend to tangle my leg with the comforter and fell (almost) face first.

You laughed from the bathroom with a mouthful of toothpaste like it was something usual.

It was the way we had our pillow talk, one pillow but two heads, we talk about the days and nights and sometimes we drunk pillow talk, me and my hiccups while you keep slurring and your fingers struggle to unbutton my shirt ( and sometimes in the morning, even with a huge hangover I got the chance to notice that my shirt didn't even have any buttons on it. You got me wondering, you silly girl.)

'I was still drunk, leave me alone. You seduced me,' You said, half-giggled after I asked you why on earth did you tried to unbutton my buttonless shirt while my stubble tickles your neck.

It was the weird ways of how we both spend our morning. You brushed your teeth while I peed. That I hugged you, listening to your mouthful of toothpaste humming to some tune. I brushed my teeth while you peed than continued your face routine of washing and rinsing. Then, we showered. Together.

No sex, no nothing. Just you and me, putting each other's name on the top of our lists. We broke each other's hearts a lot of times, endless war and back talking. We live apart and Its hard. Everything in our lives is hard. But in the shower, it was just you and me. Naked me and you, staring at each other in the most apologetic way.

We apologised way too much for a person who's seen to be so happily in love.

'I have class,' You said, lathering the white foam on my back after we finished showering. You had wrapped a towel around your body, tucking the corner in between your chest while I wrapped mine around my waist. 'You wanna crash in?' Your glance on the mirror caught on mine and I smiled. I nodded. I brought up the shaver and you helped me shaved my back. I watched as you sat on the toilet bowl to shave your own legs and other parts while I continued with my face.

I completed the morning first and you were still tending your hair.

You spent so much time in the bathroom working on the hair. We both did. But I have a secret to tell you: I like it most like this, messy, disarray, bedroom kind of mess. The one that screams Łukasz Piszczek does that.

A/N: Hi, guys. I want yall to meet my girlfriend 💕 (yes tht kind of girlfriend), martinodegaard. And make sure to check out her Juju Draxlahhh's story, Omegle.

Dedicating this chap to keepmelukewarm and propensity and my gf too ✨

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