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careful; /ˈkɛːfʊl,-f(ə)l/ [n.]

If there's an award for the most forgetful person in this world, I would've win it.

Go, I'm the most forgetful person in this world. It's not like we can take time to sit down and asked each other, 'Okay, now tell me what happen?' and rise from that conversation to knowing everything. The time where we actually got time to do that was when I was on loan to Zagłębie Lubin and you were still living in Truskolasy.

Which is like almost 11 years ago.

We would met in the middle, rent a small cottage where I felt so free. I'm no longer Łukasz Piszczek the footballer; I'm just Łukasz Piszczek, your cute boyfriend (just kidding.) That time was gold. We were in our honeymoon phase. And then the transfer came and shipped me back to Germany and threw me in the city of Dortmund where you got your offer to Kołobrzeg.

Fuck, Go, that time was hard.

Most of the times I didn't realise we were dividing ourselves into clues. And during that long separation, we barely talk to each other and it felt it was like the distance is trying to separate us. I know you felt isolated and I didn't pay my attention to you. I was having my own rough time. I owe you a lot because it almost made me thought that this idea of us wasn't going to work. But you kept holding on your faith on me for almost 12 years and I almost didn't and I'm sorry for that.

If I could spent the days and nights making amend to you, I swear to God I would.

Go, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry--I don't know how long I have to go on but Margo Błaszczykowska, I am truly sorry for ever doubting your love for me.

That wasn't actually the whole point of this entry actually. Go, I might be forgetful but after that mini issue and then our engagement came, it had turned me into a careful and detailed kind of guy. With that, I've pasted the copy of a list I've been making (it's handwritten and my handwriting is shit, I know) on the next page to show you how much I care about you. Fuck, I fucking care about you, Go. I fucking love you.

Don't you ever dare to forget that.

Łukasz Piszczek's 100 (but still on going) guides to Margo Błaszczykowska:

1. She's fucking (I repeat, fucking) allergic to roses

Remarks: try sunflower or cactus, jfc this girl loves cactus so much

2. Her biggest regret is growing out her pastel grey hair because some kid in her class had mocked her (i really like pastel hair :( maybe i should tell her that)

3. She ain't growing her bob haircut out no matter how much you tell her you miss her long hair.

4. Always buy cat food on Sat. Don't let her do that on her own or she'll be pissed.

Remark: Since now you're in Dortmund, fucking call her and remind her.

5. Do not touch the garden. I repeat, don't. You can water it but don't fucking touch it or even think of trimming it. Only touch if she let you.

6. Compliment her.

10. Let her have her time alone when she's mad, then console her with her ice cream or take her out for a walk.

15. Her sweet spot: behind the ear, neck, her birthmark on tits, her clit

16. Compromise is the key

19. If she can take times to love all your flaws and not pointed it out, you can love hers too

20. Do take her to her mother's grave; let her have her moment and let her feel safe to cry

27. Call her every night if you are away from each other. or message or facetime or oovoo or skype just DO SOMETHING.

Remarks: Alive people text/call back.

28. Never bring up her parents. Never. (Unless its necessary, but still, don't)

29. If you did something wrong, don't beat around the bush. Just tell her. Let her be angry and then apologise.

30. Do not repeat the same mistake.

36. She's stubborn, it runs in the family

38. Black is always better

41. Anniversary is on September 9th; try not to get her jewellery. Try books or cds or new mini cactus.

42. CONGRATULATION YOU TWO ARE ENGAGED. never tell the press or journalists if they ask about your relationship; you don't want to take away her freedom and her life. Remove the media eyes away from her. Let her live without the media breathing down on her neck.

47. Her grandma is her whole world.

49. Kuba and Margo's worst argument had lead them to pull a handful of hair of each other's heads. Margo doesn't know that Kuba told you that so shush

50. Her playlist is her diary. Do not open it unless needed or allowed

51. She likes the German band's Bakkushan (Thanks Erik Durm for sharing that piece of info when I don't even know about that, I'm side eyeing you, kid)

55. If she blows you, dont be a dickhead and return the favour although she said no (make her legs tremble and her lips and throat dry from screaming your name)

59. Her baking career matters

66. Don't pester her to follow you to any events or matches. (If necessary bribe her with eg. new plaids or books or anything or just ask her nicely. The later always works too, don't worry.)

70. You hurt Kuba's feeling, you hurt Margo. Vice versa.

75. Her favourite ice cream is pistachio almond.

78. Margo Błaszczykowski talks back, ouch.

81. New york crust, beef pepperoni extra cheese, noted.

83. She dreamed of going to Magribi and France and Spain.

86. Her graduation is on September 30th 2015.

90. note to self: do not leave the toothpaste uncap

92. her sweet spot (updated) : her lower back, inner thigh (preferably right)

94. tickle her means war

95. Favourite movie: horror movies and thriller (no creepy I Spit On Your Grave kind of movie)

Remarks: don't tease her likes for musical

96. turns on: after match and sweaty you, that blue dress shirt, slack and black tie she bought for the second anniversary (don't be so shock if she runs her feet against your leg during family dinner.)

98. McD >>>>

Remarks: try to not give her McD during sick. Like seriously

99. your leather jacket isn't missing, its in the back of her closet

100. tell her you love her in any possible way and means; pigeon works too.

p/s: when you became lazy, stand in front of the mirror and reminds self that don't and that you're one lucky bastard. relationship takes two person and if you try your best and you dont succeed, try harder.

Reminder that she loves you as much as you do too.

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