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you; /yo͞o,yə/ [pronoun.]

You're my breakfast at 7pm.

You're my ice cream at 8am. You're my let's settle this over coffee. You're my nose kisser . You're my let's walk and talk this out.

You're my messy hair in the morning but still beautiful .

You're my laugh at the end of so much crying. You're the tears at the end of every laughters.You're the naked one I dreamt of waking up to for the rest of my life. You're the reason I'm fighting my way from Poland to the bigague in Germany.

You're my human form of clothed sweet mistakes and drunk loves.

You're my thin walls that contains all my 10pm emotion outbursts. You're in every stars I drew in the printed matchday programme. You're my I love you no matter what. You're my mysterious, wild, free ocean.

You're the too loud laughter at 4 am.

You're the best ghost that haunts my mind. You're my strength when things seem to be so hard. You're my delilah to me; samson. You're the reason The Notebook wasn't exactly sad but Monster Inc and Finding Nemo are.

You're  the one I want to undress the heart.

You're the every minute I love in my life. You're the one who left imprint of your face on my pillow. You're the trace of honeydew in my bathroom and sheets. You're the waves pushing and tugging me. You're the imprint of the ring on my finger I removed before a game.

You're  rip tide masquerading a human.

You're the old puppy that begs for attention. You're the thrill of driving to my favourite songs. You're the thunder storms in October. You're the smell of a lit candles. You're the song in my mix CDs. You're the words in all the ugly poems I write. You're the face I dreamt every night.

You're my lover; you're the reason things mean a a lot to me. You're the reason I came home.

You're the lion and I'm the lamb who laid together side by side.

Two more chapters, hold me im criing.

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