Chapter 4: Hate or Forgiveness?

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Uraraka turned to Izuku and she revealed her shoulder to show him his scar.

" This is your doing. This is what you did to me 9 years ago. Now i'll have this scar forever. Because of you. Do you have any idea how much i suffered because of that? I even lose my sleep sometimes because of that day. I have nightmares that you eat me alive." Uraraka said.

Izuku wouldn't say a word. He was only looking at the ground in regret even if he knew he would hear that. He knows what it means to suffer but he decided to not speak and let her continue.

" I wasn't planning to speak to you, but i remembered my dad's advice." Uraraka said as she remembered her dad's words.

" Ochaco, i know that you are angry and sad don't hate at him. I saw the boy myself you know. I know this is painful but you can give him a second chance. He seemed to have a good heart. He was crying you know."

" Your quirk is dangerous. Many lives can be lost. You just don't see humans as anything else but food. But since you're in the hero course, let me ask you something." Uraraka said.

Izuku was looking at the ground. He knew what was coming. He was ready to pay for what he did.

"What you did to me..... What happened 9 years ago. Do you regret it?" Uraraka asked.

Izuku was surprised. He didn't expect that question. He looked at Uraraka.

" Huh?" Izuku reacted.

" Do you regret it?" she asked again.

Izuku  looked at the ground and he slowly nodded yes.

" Take off the eyepatch." Uraraka said.

" Huh? Why?" Izuku asked.

" You regret it, right? Take your eyepatch off." Uraraka said.

" Please. Don't. I don't-" Izuku got interrupted.

" Just do it. I want to see your real eye." Uraraka said.

Izuku hesitated at first but he took it off. 

Uraraka looked at his ghoul eye. 

" So beautiful, but that eye hides his real feelings. All i see is pain, sadness and regret." she thought.

" Deku. If you regret it, tell it to me but look at me with both of your eyes." Uraraka said.

Izuku was looking at her. His ghoul eye let tears fall. It was just like when he apologised to Uraraka's parents. It was feeling like a deja vu to Izuku.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I regret what i did." Izuku said while crying. He knelt to the ground. His fists were touching the floor.

Uraraka knelt down to him. She touched his shoulder.

" It's fine. Let it all out. Let your pain go." Uraraka said.

Then Izuku followed her advice and he gave a loud cry.

After a couple of minutes Izuku calmed down. He put his eyepatch again and they decided to return. They spoke about many things including Izuku unfortunate life in America.

 They arrived late at night. No one was in the common room. Everyone was probably sleeping.

When they were going to seperate to go to their rooms Uraraka called Izuku.

" Deku." 

Izuku turned around.

"You don't have to hide your eye."

" Huh? Why?"

" Because it's beautiful. It's a shame to hide it." Uraraka said.

Izuku blushed and he placed his hand to his eyepatch. No one has ever told him something good about his eye.

" Thanks."

"Goodnight." Uraraka said and she left for her room.

Izuku was alone at the common room.....Until...

" I saw that, shitty Izuku." Bakugo's voice was heard.

" Huh? Kacchan? You're still awake? Why?" Izuku asked surprised.

" Round face asked me to make sure no one would follow that's what i did. After everyone went to sleep i was waiting for your return. Let's go to your room to tell me about it." Bakugo said and the two boys went to his room.


Ochaco entered her room only to see the other girls waiting for her.

" Took you long enough." Jiro said.

Ochaco was surprised.

" What are you doing in my room?" Ochaco asked.

" We were waiting for you of course. Now speak. What happened?" Hagakure said.

Ochaco sat down and she started.

" Well, he apologised." Ochaco said.

" That's all? No way. You were missing for an hour." Ashido said.

Ochaco then started to cry....a little.

" Oh, Ochaco. What's the matter?" Asui asked.

" He had regreted it since the first moment and he was bearing with it for 9 years. And all i did was hating him. He hates himself. He hides his eye becauses he hates himself." Ochaco said.

" Did he tell you that?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Ochaco nodded a no.

" No. He didn't. But i could see it in his eyes." Ochaco said.


"Now speak. What happened?" Bakugo asked.

" I apologised to her." Izuku said.

" That's not only it ,isn't it." Bakugo said.

" Huh?" Izuku reacted.

" Don't play dumb Izuku! I saw how you two looked at each other. Speak now." Bakugo said.

" Okay. She wanted to see my ghoul eye. And....let's say i feel a little better now. I didn't anything to her, i swear. I won't tell because it's embarrassing." Izuku said.

" Ah, i got it. You cried in front of her. Well, it was only logical." Bakugo said.

" Hey!" Izuku said.

" Huh! I hit the mark." Bakugo mocked.

" So, did she forgive you?" Bakugo asked.

" I don't know. She never told me. But she wasn't angry. As we were returning we were talking about many things." Izuku said.

" I'll take that as a yes or as a test."Bakugo said.


" So, that means that did you forgive him?" Ashido asked.

" I'm not sure. I can't forgive him but i can't be angry at him either. It's complicated." Ochaco said.

" Take your time. Now we have to go. It's already too late." Yaoyorozu said and the girls left.

Ochaco was feeling like her heart was gonna explode. She never felt like that again. She would only think of Izuku. However, instead of being terrified she felt happy. She blushed.

" I'm looking forward to see you tomorrow, Izuku."

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