Chapter 12: Black Eyepatch

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Eri was scared. She never saw Izuku before other than that day when Izuku learned the truth about the bullets and one or two more times. She knew that he was the reaper.

"Don't be scared. I won't harm you. You want to get out of here, right? I can help you." Izuku said.

Eri was hesistant. A scary young man asked her to follow him. In the end, she decided to trust him.

" Where are we going?" Eri asked.

" I'm gonna take you to the heroes. They can offer you a home and even a family. Wouldn't you want that?" Izuku asked.

Eri nodded yes.

" Let's go, then." Izuku said.

Izuku took her and they tried to leave from the back door. However, they didn't knew that some heroes were waiting there too.

Izuku was carrying Eri in his back and he saw Fat Gum and four students from UA. Kirishima, Asui, Bakugo and Uraraka.

Fat Gum then speaked.

" You won't escape villain. Hand over the girl and surrender yourself." he said.

Izuku looked at them and he smirked under his Shie Hassaikai mask.

" Are these the heroes you told me about?" Eri asked confusing the heroes.

" Yes." Izuku answered. 

" You're  half lucky. I was planning to hand over the girl from the beginning."he said and he put Eri down.

" Go. They're here for you." Izuku said.

" Thank you, mister reaper." Eri said. The heroes were surprised.

" Reaper? The black reaper?" Kirishima asked.

" Yeah. As i said, you're half lucky. That's because....i don't plan to give myself in." Izuku said.

" Then i'll make you give yourself in." Bakugo said and he charged. He used his explosion but Izuku was unfazed. However, he managed to destroy his Shie Hassaikai mask and he revealed Izuku's face. 

When he saw the ghoul eye he stepped back shocked. The others saw him too shocked.

" No! It can't be!" Bakugo said shocked.

" I wasn't planning for a reunion like that. Sad. Well then...Long time no see." Izuku said.

Uraraka was on her knees. She couldn't believe it. Her crush was alive after all but he was with villains.

"You're the kid who fought All for one last year. Why are you with the villains?" Fat Gum asked.


" It's a long story. If you give me time to explain, we're good."Izuku said.

" It would be nice. But since you're with the villains i can't do that." Fat Gum said.

" IT'S FINE!!"a voice was heard. It was from Uraraka.

" Tell us what happened." she said.

Izuku smiled. He started.

" You all saw me dying. Yes. That's the truth. I died. I got a severe brain damage which was fatal. However, my heal regeneration was the key. I was asleep for around 34 hours acording to Chisaki. During that time my brain was healing. However, i lost something. My memories. For one year i was clueless about my past. I would hear a voice of my past self a few times." Izuku said.

" But if you lost your memories why you remember us? If your memories came back why did you stay with them?" Kirishima asked.

" Let him finish, shitty hair." Bakugo said.

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