Chapter 17: The conclusion

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The fight started and the three heroes had the advantage in the battle. However, Chisaki wasn't  harmed by their attacks. It was like he had some kind of armor in his body.

" Tch. It looks like this will be tougher than i thought." Bakugo said.

" Of course it will be. I have the ultimate power. Honestly Izuku, you're stupid to deny it. This power is a gift." Chisaki said.

Izuku charged and managed to punch him once.

" IT'S NOT A GIFT!!! IT'S A CURSE!!!" Izuku shouted.

" Curse you say. Hehe. That's right. For the others it's a curse. But what's the curse in killing a human once in a month? Don't forget that i'm a villain." Chisaki said.

" Don't try to change his mind Deku. Let's beat him and put him in jail before he causes more trouble." Uraraka said.

"Hehe. If that was the case our little Izuku would get the job done. But deep inside, he wants to save everyone. That's what makes him stupid." Chisaki said.

" That's not entirely true. If you were All for one or someone from the league, i would try my best to beat your ass. However, villain or not, you were my mentor. Even if it was for a short amount of time. That's why i want you to see what's right or not. If you keep this power you will suffer. Don't try to do this to yourself." Izuku explained.

" It's not too late to leave. You were given a second chance to live as a civilian." Izuku said.

Chisaki looked at Izuku.

" You know, your little speech would have worked.....if i was a Naruto villain. But your talk no jutsu doesn't work in reality." Chisaki said and he knocked Izuku back.

Then he charged and he injured both Bakugo and Uraraka. The injuries could be fatal if they were hit more.

" Say goodbye to your friends Izuku." Chisaki said. 

But Izuku got in front of them in time to protect them. The injury to his stomach was huge. He fell on the ground next to Uraraka.

" Deku...." Uraraka whispered.

" Blood...Lick my blood." Uraraka said.

Izuku hesistated. He didn't want to do this again but this time he was forced to.

" Fine." Izuku said and he licked Uraraka's blood.

Then Izuku healed instantly and he got up.

" Huh?" Chisaki reacted.

" You forgot what my quirk does, you motherfucker." Izuku said and he punched Chisaki hard. And he started to punch him non-stop so he won't let him heal.

After a barrage of punches he unleashed a final and his most powerful punch. He managed to knock him out.

Endeavor and the rest of the pro heroes arrived at the battle and after they restrained Overhaul they helped with the battle against the league of villains.

They were victorious. Overhaul and the biggest part of the league was arrested, including Shigaraki and Dabi.

( 10 years later)

A team of pro heroes were on duty and they were chasing some villains.

" Hey, Bakugo! They went into that alley." one of them said.

" Big mistake. We'll catch them now." Bakugo responded and he used his explosions to enter the alley with high speed.

However, he saw that someone had already beat the villains.

" You guys are slow. Good luck, next time." a figure said.

" Wow. You're not the number 1 for nothing." Kirishima said.

" Tch. He just got lucky." Bakugo said.

"Now he is all yours. I have somewhere to go. See ya!" Izuku said and he left.

He arrived to his house and he heard yelling.

" Papa's back!!" a kid voice was sounded and two kids run to hug him. 

" Big Brother Izuku, you're back. Your kids are total maniacs." a female voice said.

" I know. But think of it as a training. Katsuki had one similar training when we were at UA. When are you starting the lessons at UA, Eri?" Izuku asked.

" In three days. I can't wait and i'm excited." Eri said.

" That's good to hear. Where's Ochaco, by the way?" Izuku asked.

" She is in the room preparing for your date." Eri said.

" A date....we just need some time alone. My kids are gangsters, after all." Izuku said and the kids grabbed a vase and they threw it to the floor.

" Hey! Not that vase!!! Aizawa will kill me." Izuku yelled.

" Oh, you're back Izuku." Ochaco said from the strairs. She was in a dark purple dress.

" Wow. Beatiful." Izuku said.

" Just like my face." one of the kids said.

" Hey! Don't say things like that outside." Izuku said.

" Why? Uncle Bakugo said to have self confidence." the kid said.

" Even self confidence has a limit. Uncle Bakugo has surpassed these limits." Izuku said.

" Izuku, i'm ready." Ochaco said.

" Great, in 20 minutes i'll be ready." Izuku said.

" And kids...don't try any prank while i'm on the shower." Izuku said.

After nearly a half hour Ochaco and Izuku left the house.

" Where are we going, my number 1?" Ochaco said.

" I don't know. Everywhere you like." Izuku said.

" Great. Let's go!" 

And that's the end of the story. The last chapter was too much rushed but i wanted to end it before i leave it for good. I'm more interested in a way to tell stories and promote my art at the same time. And that's what i'm gonna do in the next book. If you are interested in to it, i'll be waiting for you into this book.  See ya.

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