Chapter 6: Judgement

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" Shit! I was right! What now?" Kaminari said.

Then Uraraka stepped in the front.

" DEKU!! STOP!! THIS ISN'T YOU!" she shouted.

Izuku charged to her but he was stopped by All Might block.

" Young Uraraka. What are you doing. He has the intent to kill." All Might said before getting punched. He was sent flying. The students couldn't move from their fear.

Izuku grabbed Uraraka's neck. He was about to choke her.

" Deku. Please. Come back to us. You're not a killing machine. You a human. You're a human like us." Uraraka said. 

Then Bakugo managed to get the courage to attack his friend.

" HEY!! COME BACK TO YOUR SENSES SHITTY IZUKU!! WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES!!!" he said before getting attacked. He got knocked out.

Izuku was still holding Uraraka's neck. She started to cry a little.

" Please. You plan to become a hero, right? You're a good person. So, please. Come back to us....Izuku." Uraraka said.

Izuku's normal eye was shaking it was trying to change it's colour and return back to normal. Then it happened. Izuku was tearing but instead of tears he was crying blood from his ghoul eye. When he came back to his senses he let Uraraka down.

" What- What did i do? I....I'm a monster." Izuku said. He might have gone berserk but he remembers everything. He was about to leave but Uraraka holded his arm.

" Don't go. You're not monster." Uraraka said.

" Thanks for being kind. But don't lie. I see fear in everyones eyes. I know what i did. I bet they all hate me or they are afraid of me. I must leave now before i do something else to harm the class." Izuku said trying to leave but Uraraka wouldn't let go of his arm.

" No one hates you. You're just a person who needs help. And we're here for you. Besides, we are the hero course. If we don't help you then who will?" Uraraka said.

Izuku was touched by what she said.

" She's right, Midoriya. We don't hate you. You just need your time controlling you powers, that's all." Iida said.

"Yeah. After all, you saved our asses there. That was manly." Kirishima said.

" HEY! ARE YOU BACK TO YOUR SHITTY SENSES?" Bakugo said who gained consiousness again.

" Umm. I don't want to ruin the moment but...what about the corpses? I'm sure the police will try to investigate it." Sero said.

" I can take care of that." All Might came from where he was sent from Izuku's punch.

" The detective happens to be a good friend of mine. I can find a solution." he said.

After a couple of minuted the police arrived. They arrested the injured villains. When they noticed the corpses.

" What happened with the corpses?" detective Tsukauchi asked.

They students were silent. 

" It was me!" Izuku came in the front. The detective was surprised to see a student. His quirk showed him that he was telling the truth.

" Ok. I need you to come with me." detective Tsukauchi said.

" Wait! All he wanted was to save us!" Uraraka said.

" He had no control over his quirk. He is not a bad guy." Bakugo said.

" Relax. I won't put him in jail. I just want to ask him some questions." Tsukauchi said.

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