Chapter 5: The league of villains

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Izuku was woken up. He never had a good sleep in years. He looked at the time and he saw that was gonna be late. 

" Fuck!! I'm gonna be late. I have 10 minutes left." Izuku said. He prepared in record time.

Before he leaves he was gonna put his eyepatch but he remembered Uraraka's words. But before he starts doubting he remembered Bakugo's words last night before he leaves Izuku alone.


"Okay. I guess, i'll go to my room to sleep." Bakugo said.

" Okay. Good night." Izuku said.

" Oh, Izuku. Something last. I'll agree with what round face told you." Bakugo said.

Izuku was kinda confused.

" Huh?" 

" Don't hide your eye. You want to be a hero because you want to save people, right?" Bakugo said.

" Yes."

" If you want to save people you must save yourself first." Bakugo said before he leaves.

Izuku didn't understood what he meant at first but then he got the message. He must accept what he is and use his nature for good.

(end of flashback)

"I guess i'll give a try." he said and he left the eyepatch. 

Izuku used his superspeed and he arrived at UA. He saw Aizawa out of the door.

" Good morning, sensei." 

" You're just in time, kid. I was about to enter." then he noticed that the eyepatch was missing.

" You forgot your eyepatch." Aizawa said.

" I didn't. I just didn't put it today." Izuku said and he entered to the class.

Aizawa smiled.

" It seems the kid tries to become a man." he thought.

The classmates noticed that Izuku didn't had his eyepatch. Uraraka smiled to Izuku and Bakugo smirked.

Aizawa then speaked.

" Today we will do a rescue training at the USJ." he said and the students took their hero suits. 

They all entered the bus which would lead them to USJ. Izuku sat away from the others. Then someone called his name.

" Hey, Izuku! What are you doing there by yourself? There's a free seat here." Bakugo said.

Izuku saw a seat next to him empty. He hesitated to go at first. He didn't want to be in the crowd of the students. But in the end he went.

Izuku was nervous and he was looking at the ground. Bakugo saw that and he patted him to his back.

" Hey, chill! It's not like they hate you." Bakugo said. 

" That's right. You are really cool, man. You were equal to Todoroki and you weren't even serious. That's badass." Kaminari said who was next to Bakugo.

" It doesn't matter what happened in the past. It matters what you do in the present and what are you gonna do in the future." Kirishima said who was next to Izuku.

Izuku felt a little better.

After a couple of minutes they arrived at USJ.

They found Thirteen there.

" Welcome class 1-A. It's good to see you again." Thirteen said.

" Where's All Might?" Aizawa asked.

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