Chapter 16: Revenge

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It's been one week since Izuku's change in his quirk. He is finally having fun with his friends without any worries.

But it wouldn't last for long. The league of villains found out that the hero who almost defeated All for one is still alive.

They were ready to make their move.

" Shall we do it, master?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yes.  Gather the whole league, Tomura." All for one said.

The league was gathered in the main area of the league.

" My dear villains. You're wondering why i called you all here. Well...a few days ago i found out that the hero who almost defeated me, is still alive." All for one said. The league started to murmur.

" But don't be afraid. I found out his identity. He is a student at UA high school. And that brings me to the reason i called you here today. Tomorrow we will attack UA!!! And your primary target is this boy. Izuku Midoriya."  All for one said while showing a hologram of Izuku.

"If this guy dies, then we will have no threats for a very long time. The last time we didn't kill All Might but we made him to retire. This time, we will make sure this boy won't have even a bone remaining for his grave. Tomorrow, we will conquer UA!!" All for one said and the crowd of the villains started to cheer.

(next day, UA)

Izuku was on his class. They were on the lunch break. He looked outside of the window. He saw dark clouds appearing.

" It seems it's gonna rain." Uraraka said.

" Yeah. We're lucky we live at the dorms. If we should go home then no one would have an umbrella."  Kaminari said.

Bakugo noticed that Izuku was looking at the dark clouds with a serious face.

" What's the matter, Izuku?"he asked.

" I don't think it's a rain that's coming." Izuku said. And he was right.

The league of villains was attacking. Shigaraki and Dabi were in the frontline and the whole league was following.

" Okay boys. Your target is non other that Izuku Midoriya. If anyone stands in your way....kill them." Shigaraki said.

The hero trainees noticed the league was attacking and they prepared for battle in time along with the whole UA.

" Master, it seems they were quicker than we thought." Shigaraki said.

" It doesn't change anything. The heroes will fall either way." All for one said.

The heroes were ready to fight.

" Jeez. Why are they here?" Mineta asked.

" They probably learned that i am alive and they came to finish what they started." Izuku said.

" Wasn't All for one supposed to be  in a weak state at the moment?" Kaminari asked.

" That's why he brought the whole army. But it doesn't change the fact that we are gonna defeat them." Bakugo said and he charged yelling.

The heroes and the villains started the fight.

Izuku wanted to reach All for one but Dabi stopped him.

" Where do you think you're going?" Dabi mocked.

" You, Shigaraki, All for doesn't matter who i face first. I will defeat you all." Izuku said.

" I wanna see how much you've improved since you lost your black eye." Dabi said and he lauched a fire attack. However, Shoto managed to black it in time with his own fire.

" Sorry. But the one you will face, is me.....Brother." Shoto said.

" Tch. So be it." Dabi said. 

Izuku rushed to fight All for one.

He reached him but All for one barely dodged.

" I will make sure this time you'll be under the ground or behind the railings, All for one." Izuku said.

" That won't be necessary." a voice was heard from near. Izuku and All for one turned to the point where the voice was and they saw Overhaul. He had an eyepatch on one of his eyes.

" What are you doing here, Chisaki?" Izuku asked curious.

" I'm returning the favor for releasing me from jail." Chisaki said and he dashed to All for one. He ripped out his heart and he ate it.

" What the-?" Izuku was surprised but he sensed something was wrong.

" You must be really a fool for denying a power like this. You use it for heroic things when you could become the supreme being of earth." Chisaki said taking off his eyepatch to reveal his ghoul eye to Izuku.

Izuku was shocked.

" What have you done?" he said.

" No, Midoriya! The question is what have YOU done." Chisaki said.

It took a couple of seconds to realise what Chisaki meant. When he realised it he was shocked.

" You get it, don't you. You got me into this. If it wasn't for your stupidity and you just had accepted yourself we wouldn't be here, right now." Chisaki said.

"" Izuku said.

" It all started when i found your supposed dead body. I saw your fight when you stomped All for one. I was planning to do a research on your body so i can take that power for myself. But then i found out that you were alive. That made me more thirsty for your power." Chisaki said and he continued.

" So, i took some of your blood before you wake up to start my research. After a year i had almost perfected a potion which would give me your powers. But, the heroes had arrived and you betrayed me. I was never so angry in my life. But then, you appeared. After you asked me to make you normal, i tried my best to create both of the potions. I used the data from the potion that was destroyed along with the Shie Hassaikai hideout and the rest is history." Chisaki said.

Izuku fell on his knees full of guilt.

" You understand now, dont you? I will take over your world and it will be your fault for not accepting yourself. You made me suffer enough. I will make sure you'll die slowly. I'll enjoy my revenge." he said and he start choking Izuku.

Izuku tried to resist but Chisaki was more powerful.

Uraraka and Bakugo who were fighting the villains noticed this and they run to help Izuku. Bakugo launched an attack on Chisaki. Chisaki was forced to let Izuku to block Bakugo's attack.

" Tch. You ruined the best part. Doesn't matter. I will kill you so he suffers more." Chisaki said.

Bakugo and Uraraka took their fighting stances. 

" Just try it, you fake ghoul." Bakugo said.

" Wait." Izuku said while he was getting on his feet.

" If you plan to fight, at least let me help you. He is really powerful. Even the three of us together might have a hard time against him." he said.

" Bruh! He is just a fake you. Let's put him on his place." Bakugo said.

" Let's do this." Uraraka said.

" Yeah. Time to correct my mistake, Chisaki!!!"

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