Part 8

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Juliana stayed in Juvia's room the following day. Juvia had been told to stop staying with her all the time. And so Juvia ended up in the guild.

"Is she sick?" Lucy asked worried.

"She don't want to tell me." Juvia sighted. "She just stays in bed, and often drift into sleep." Gajeel hadn't showed up in the guild all day and Juliana didn't came either. It became afternoon. Levy was worried about Juliana - and so was the rest of the group who had heard her sing yesterday.  Juvia wanted to stay in the guild a little longer, but was worried sick about Juliana too. Levy offered to go see her instead.

"She doesn't want company at all, but if you say you're there instead of Juvia, she can't say no." Juvia said before Levy left.

She reached Fairy Hills. She knocked on the white door to Juvia's room. No respond came. Levy walked into the room and saw Juliana in Juvia's big master bed. She slowly awakened.

"Juvia?" she yawned.

"No, it's me Levy." Juliana crawled longer down into the bed. "Leave me, I'm not in mood for chit chat."

"I'm here to look after you while Juvia stays in the guildhall. We're a bit worried about you, you know?"

Juliana laughed quietly: "Look after me? What am I, a child?",

"She's worried about you too," Levy insured.

"Like I couldn't take care of myself just as I have done the last 5 years since I left the guild? Has she forgotten who was the strongest last time we fought?"  Juliana went on. She completely ignored the part with being worried. Juliana's smile slowly disappeared. Levy found a chair and sat down beside the bed.

"So what's up between you and Gajeel?" Levy started

"We're just friends, don't worry he's all yours.",

Levy blushed hard. "I meant with him being angry at you and you at him,",

"I said I wasn't in the mood for chit-chat.". Juliana looked sad. Like the very thought made her sad. 

"Juliana what's wrong?" Levy said with worry in her voice.

"I-it's nothing!" Juliana said and rolled over to hide her face.

"Well there must-"

*knock-knock* Levy was interrupted by a knock on the door. She opened the door and peeked outside.

"Shrimp? Isn't this Juvia's room?" Gajeel asked surprised.

"Yes this is Juvia's room. I'm here instead of Juvia." ,

"Good then let me in," Gajeel said opening the door.

"Gajeel wait no," Levy tried to talk to him, but he just pushed her to the side and went in.

He stopped in the middle of the room: "Is she dressed?" he asked.

"I'm still blind not deaf." Juliana said from the bed. "I am. What the hell d'ya want?" she said annoyed. Levy closed the door.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Gajeel answered.

"What does it look like? I'm enjoying Juvia's bed." Juliana said and smiled.

Gajeel walked to her bed: "Ya know that's not what I meant." he said less angry and sat on the chair. 

Levy found another chair to sit beside the bed. 

Juliana sighted: "I used too much energy yesterday but it was worth it."

Gajeel shook his head: "No it wasn't."

Juliana sat up in the bed "Oh but it was," she smiled weirdly big, "It did what it was supposed to.",

"You're insane." Gajeel said.

Juliana suddenly sat up straight with her head lowered. "DON'T you say that." she said very seriously.

"Why?" Levy interrupted.

Gajeel looked straight at her "It is that bad?"

Juliana looked away. Gajeel stood up and raised a hand to her face and eye. All of a sudden she slammed his reaching arm with a big *smack* and stood up in the bed. Her blanket fell down from her body showing her black panties.

"GET OUT!! NOW!" she screamed at Gajeel. He hesitated a little.


Levy slightly touched Gajeel on the back: "Let's go outside," she almost whispered.

Gajeel looked very angry on Juliana and walked along.

Almost out of the door Levy saw Juliana sit down on the bed again and tried to get her angry breathing under control.

"Well that was a short visit. It really pissed her off." Levy said as the door was closed.

"Yeah whatever," Gajeel mumbled as he walked out the dorm in which Juvia and Levy's rooms were.  He didn't say a thing.

"You alright?" Levy asked as they walked beside each other.

"Hmm" he just mumbled. Levy kept walking beside him. They walked silently to the exit.

"Where are you going Shrimp?" He asked as Levy followed him out.

"I'm going with you until you answer me." She said stubbornly. She had to figure this out, it was really getting on her nerves.

"Mind ya own business Shrimp."

"Then I'm going with you."

Gajeel sighted: "You're gonna regret that, ya know."

"Nope, I want an answer Gajeel."

"Yes I'm fine! Now go mind ya own business." Gajeel began walking. Levy didn't know if she believed him or not.

"Why are you so angry with her?" she chose to follow him.

"None of your fucking business." Levy followed Gajeel into town. Lily came from the guild and saw the two.

He flew to them and greeted "Hello Levy, hey Gajeel."

"Hmpf," Gajeel answered.

"Hey Lily," Levy greeted. The black cat looked from Levy to Gajeel.

"What is going on?" he asked confused.

"Gajeel had a fight with Juliana and he doesn't want to tell me why he's so angry with her." Levy answered and made sure Gajeel heard it.

"You call that a fight?! And I didn't do anything!" Gajeel complained.

"So she got mad over nothing you had done?" Lily asked to confirm. Gajeel nodded and kept walking.

"I still don't get it. Why is SHE mad at YOU then?" Levy wondered.

"Ask the girl herself."

"I tried that one, and she didn't want to come up with an answer either. What is wrong between you guys?" 

Gajeel just kept walking. After another embarrassing silence Levy broke up: "It's getting rather dark, I should head back. You guys coming to see Juliana one last time today?"Lily turned his head to Gajeel as to ask him for an answer.

"You saw and heard her. She doesn't want me to go see her." Gajeel answered.

"Goodnight then Levy," Lily politely said.

"Goodnight Lily and Gajeel!!" She said


Sorry for the late update! I have had a lot of things with exams and so on...

And I just turned 18 this weekend, I still don't get it!
Is it possible to turn  back time, I'm not ready to be a grown up (exept the money I now get since I go to school of course, I'm totally ready for them ^^) 

Well, hope you liked it, I promise I'll try to update faster
See ya little marshmellow

Linhaku out 

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