Part 4 - Little watchdog

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She picked up a chair and sat down by the table again. Gajeel picked the others chairs up and went after his and Juliana's drink by the bar.

"That's why you and Gajeel held hands all the time!" Wendy declared. She had sat behind the group the whole time together with Charle.

A tiny blush spread on Gajeel's cheeks in a few seconds.

Juliana laughed: "Thihihi... yeah... he's like my... hihi... little watch dog! Thihihi."

Gajeel moved a chair by Juliana's side and punched her arm making her stubble onto the floor - still laughing. She stopped laughing, removed a tear by her eye, held her stomach and took a hand on the table to help her stand up.

 "Ah, long time since I had a joke like that." She mumbled to herself. "Sorry, would you give me a hand?"

Gajeel - annoyed by the joke - gave Juliana the chair.

"Just kidding. I can manage almost everything myself, but it's just way easier to get help, when in new surroundings. Otherwise things would take longer. And to answer your question little friend - yes that's why."

Gajeel had sat down beside Juliana. She pushed an elbow in his side: "Couldn't help it ya know? It's the only I'll make, I swear." She said with a smile.

The group - along with other interested guild members - had gathered around the table like children, with Juliana to answer their questions. She did however not seem to like all the attention focused on only her. In fact, she looked like she was about to have had enough of socializing at all. She hadn't in fact answered any real questions. She had just been there while people gathered up, and said no, when Lucy asked whether she could see anything at all then.

Juvia didn't seem to have caught Juliana's mood, but surprisingly Gajeel had. Had he always been this... observant? He whispered in her ear and got a nod from the girl.

"Enough for today! Go mind ya own business. It ain't that special ya know?" He was really protective around her. But Levy was relieved that she had found the reason as to why the two held hands - and that the reason had nothing to do with relationships.

He held a hand to Juliana: "Hey Ju, wanna go train?"

Levy dropped her mouth to the ground: He had just been VERY protective, and then he wanted to TRAIN with her? That definitely didn't sound safe especially then it came from Gajeel. Levy had seen Gajeel's extreme ways of training - that was for high classes. Despite the risky and unsecure offer Juliana lighted up and was already halfway out the guild.

"Lily! Wanna come join?" Gajeel yelled and walked after Juliana.

"See you," the black cat waved to the others and flew after the two.

Lucy and Levy turned to each other and spoke on the same time: "Train?!" They both looked scared on Juliana's behalf.

"Don't worry Love-Rival and Levy, the two have trained often. But I wouldn't recommend looking at it. Juliana isn't exactly a social person. In fact she and Gajeel remind a lot of each other." Juvia assured us.

The guild slowly came back to its normal self. Gajeel, Lily and Juliana had been away the rest of the day.

In the morning the next day Juliana and Juvia got to the guild together as the day before. The guild was still curious about Juliana, and she didn't seem too fond of us knowing about her blindness. None of us did however have anything against it; the curiosity was caused by none of us having known a blind before. 

She managed to stay in the guild the whole day, and most managed to get their curiosity under control. Most but not all.

"How did you know it was me who ate your fish, when you didn't see me?" Natsu asked with Happy right next to him.

Juliana sighted: "My fish was obviously gone when I got there; it didn't made the sound of frying. Therefore you must have had eaten it."

"But how did you know it was ME?" He asked again.

"You smelled like the fish, Natsu."

"But that could have been any other fish eaten before we got there!"

"What do you want Natsu? It was you, was it not?"

"Yes but,"

"There you have it, I was right in assuming. Then what's the God damn problem?"

"Cut it out Salamander." Gajeel joined.

Juvia was right about Gajeel and Juliana seeming like each other both easily pissed off. She was however right. Natsu could really be such a jerk sometimes. Luckily Lucy knew how to "handle" him.

"Natsu! I want to go on a mission, would you like to join?" It worked, and maybe a bit too well.

"Let us take on a mission together!" Erza said.

 "I might have just the right thing for you five," Mirajane said referring to Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Erza and Gray, since they often went on missions together. Lucy's plan had definitely worked and soon those five was out the guild to pack their stuff before setting of. 


Oh God you guys are really reading this? I never thought someone would continiue reading my stories, I really hope you enjoy them! 
It's a bit difficult getting where I want right now. I hope it'll come soon

Thank you so much and have a nice day! ^^ 


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