Part 13 - Getting down to business

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Without even feeling whether the table was next to her, Juliana jumped on top of it.

"I'm just fine, just go back to eating your garbage little friend."

Levy swallowed hard. Juliana tilted her head to the side.

"Oh I see."

She jumped past Gajeel ending near Levy.

"Poor little Levy, is it you who are concerned for me? Or more like afraid of me maybe? Poor little innocent, angel who does nothing wrong , says nothing bad, always playing a nice little girl."

Juliana said seriously. Levy backed a bit, but Juliana walked behind her almost whispering: "You never dream of going the other way? Doing the fun dangerous stuff? You never consider whether others think you're too sweet? You never consider going a bit DARK sometimes?" Juliana tricked her.

"You never wanna stop being that good?"

Levy stood still not saying a word. As Juliana raised a hand to Levy's neck something black rushed by Levy. The next second Juliana laid on the floor with Gajeel on top struggling to hold her down.

"Get off me!" Juliana yelled and punched Gajeel in his stomach. 

Juvia helped him while Juliana screamed and turned and twisted to get free.

"Calm down Juliana!" Juvia yelled, but Juliana just nodded her head no.

After a long struggle and much yelling Juliana finally stopped fighting against. Levy and Gajeel helped Juvia get Juliana home without losing her. Juliana was pissed off and wasn't cooperative at all. But after a while the three had managed to get her to Fairy Hills and into Juvia's room. Annoyed Juliana sat on the bed. Her smile grew as she tilted her head. She reached out feeling the material of the bed and grabbed the pillow looking like Gray. She smiled wider as she took the pillow to her mouth and bite it. 


Juvia's face turned red as she stormed to take the pillow. She gave Juliana a slap in the face and turned away. The slap was forceful enough to make Juliana turn her head. She stayed that way a bit. As she turned back she kept looking into the floor.

Sad and serious Juliana spoke: "Gajeel and Levy you can leave now. I'll be nice I promise."

Levy hesitated but followed Gajeel when he left.

"If there's anything you know where my room is." Levy said and closed the door.

Juvia didn't come to Levy that night. Levy had difficulty with sleeping. She thought about Juliana and the episode in the guild. She was long away from the Juliana Levy knew. It was really scary how she had turned personality. What was more scary was how she turned lesser angry as Juvia had punched her. Talk about punching sense into someone, huh? The next morning all Levy could think of was visiting Juvia and Juliana to check if everything was okay. And it was okay when she opened the door to Juvia's room. Juliana laid in the bed as Juvia unlocked the door for Levy. She was fast asleep.

"Good morning Levy," Juvia greeted.

"Good morning Juvia, how's it going?"

"Quite good, Juliana seemed to go back to her old self. She even regretted what she'd said to you and how she behaved towards Gajeel. She really regretted behaving like that in front of the  guild."

Levy stepped inside and closed the door. Juvia made some tea and she and Levy drank it. The two talked about Levy's training and gossip and Gray. Juliana slowly awakened without the two noticing.

"Can I have a cup too?" Juliana yawned.

Juvia smiled and nodded, and poured her a cup of the dark tea.

"So, what were you saying about Gray?" Juliana asked.

Juvia blushed, and Levy answered: "We talked about how we could make Gray notice Juvia more,"

Juliana laughed sweetly: "Well then, tell me the plan." The three planned and talked a few more hours.

Juliana yawned: "Better get up. The sun is shining and we are going out."

"Where are we going?" Levy asked.

"To find Gajeel. Juvia, do you have an apple?"

Juvia threw a red apple to Juliana who catches it and lay it on the bed. She took an green dress like cloak on with long arms and black curly like paint on. It didn't show off any of her body and only showed the bottom of her legs and then her bare feet.

She opened the door: "You're coming?" she asked happily.

"Where are we going?" Levy responded.

"To find Gajeel!" Juliana said and took a step out the door,

"Don't  you wanna join me?"

Levy nodded and went after Juliana along with Juvia. The three went to the guild, but Gajeel wasn't there.

"Wait two seconds girls," Juliana said.

"Is your Master in here?",

"Yes he's over here," Juvia said and  walked up to Makarovs table.

"Thanks" Juliana said and took a step closer to him.

"Makarov? May I ask you a favor?" She asked and sat down beside him.


"It's gonna happen tonight. Will you make sure your guild members aren't close to the mid forest?" She said still.

"I will." Makarov answered seriously.

Juliana stood up: "I will not be responsible for what will happen, if they are."

She finished and walked out the guild.

"Juvia, I trust you will watch out for Levy and Gajeel, and do whatever it takes to save their lives." Makarov said.

"I will," Juvia responded.

"Levy, take care." Makarov said and Levy nodded. The two followed Juliana out the guild. Next they went to Gajeel and Lily's house.


Sorry for the late update peeps... no good excuse besides not having many ideas to work with. I might however have found it again! ^^ Hope you like it, we're about to be there XD 

See ya my sweet marshmellows!

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