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"The tall lanky dude didn't come with you this time?"

"...Lanky...? "

"You know... the dude that came with you last time !"

"Oh- My bodyguard-?"

"Wait since when do you have a bodyguard?!"

Minho quickly shot up from his position, looking baffled from the new information he had received from the red head. Though seungmin was lowkey panicking as he saw the older's heart monitor going up, only wanting to calm down the boy and slowly push him down back on the bed. Minho still had that shocked expression on his face, Seungmin could only sigh as he gently took a hold of his hand. Rubbing his thumb across his bruised knuckles, knowing how Minho used to practice boxing in his free time. Now that the boy is currently bedridden and because of his heart condition, he knows Minho won't be able to go back to it anytime soon. Just how he had to dropped dancing a couple years back..

"..My father hired him.. you know how he is.."

"I guess.. he is very overprotective over you.."

Minho replied as let his head plopped back down onto his fluffy pillow, huffing as he stared up at the ceiling. His heart monitor was now back to normal which ease Seungmin as he looked away from the it.
Today Minho seem to be quieter than usual, in all honestly he seem a bit too calm for his own good. Looking back, the older seem to be down. Seungmin could tell by his sadden gaze and his bored expression. This made the younger frowned upon this, even in his current state Minho never fail to have that goofy smile and crack jokes here and there. He always did everything to keep the mood bright, he would rather take a smile then be sad. It was quite a sight to see him like this..

Seungmin looked around the room, today it was dull and quiet since Minho didn't have the energy to do this thing. It wasn't until he realized the reason behind Minho's depressed state..

"..where's blondie locks nurse at..?"

Maybe he shouldn't have said anything..

Minho dramatically sigh as he threw his arm over his eyes as he moved his head away from The other's view.

"..H-He's banned from coming in here..!"

"..what do you mean??!What he do to get banned??"

"You see! I can't blame him.. I'm too handsome!"

"What are you saying? Are you implying it's your fault?!"

Seungmin quietly exclaimed as he quickly sat up from his spot, raising his fist. He really got him worrying about him, thinking that maybe the reality of his condition had finally hit him in the face but no. Minho was simply missing blondie locks nurse that he refers as Hannie.

"..it wasn't though.. He came onto me first!"

"..I don't believe you.."

"....you want to get hit?" Minho replied bluntly as he slowly raised his fist, resulting in Seungmin slowly lowering his fist as he looked over to the side. But still didn't change the fact that he didn't believe Him as he knew his Hyung very well: but for safety matters he won't say anything and just go along with it. Seungmin let out a sigh as he scratch behind his head before scooting the chair closer to bed and sat down.

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