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"First love is never easy...."

         "And I Know that for sure..."

   "I still haven't recovered.. I am Still hurting.."


     "So in this essay—"

"Can you.. SHUT UP?"

Hyunjin pouted as he pressed his face against the glass door, as he made puppy eyes at the angry red head that was facing him. Seungmin was already done with his annoying and dramatic ass, no longer wanted to hear from his nonsense. He was highly irritated at this point but that didn't stop Hyunjin to keep on pushing.

"B-But Sir Seungmin, Im just trying to help you deal with your heart break—"

"STOP! You got it all WRONG!"

Seungmin exclaimed quite flustered as he pressed a the tip of his finger against the glass door as he sent a death glare at his annoying bodyguard which who only continue to pout.
Hyunjin ended up placing both of his hands against the glass door as he frowned as the boy on the other side of the door still was glaring him down.

"It's okay sir Seungmin, I know you're in denial but you'll eventually face the tru— HEY!"

Hyunjin exclaimed once he was face with white curtains instead of the familiar red head.
It was obvious that Seungmin had slide down the curtains to end the conversation he didn't wanted to take part in with the other. He became more irritated upon hearing the whinnying and the door getting bang from the other side. Just wanting the other to drop the topic and walk away—

"Come on Master .... let's talk about your feelings towards Lee Minh—"

The bodyguard let out scream of terror once the doors were flung open and was met with an angry puppy coming at him with a bat, this made the uncover spy flee for his life. Almost stumbling down the stairs as he ran down them, with Seungmin right behind his tail.



Hyunjin screamed with fear and panic in his voices as The other Boy was not that far from him. Despised of his apologies and beg of forgiveness, Seungmin showed no signs of stopping nor was even listening to the poor boy pleads. Their Tom and Jerry moment lasted for a couple minutes before Seungmin noticed he was running alone . The red head was sure he was chasing around his lousy bodyguard around but then it hit him that he couldn't find Hyunjin anymore. He slowly came to stop upon the realization as he looked around and saw his annoying bodyguard no where to be found. Seungmin became puzzled as he swear he had his eyes on him the whole time,he slowly lowered his bat as he continued to look around for any signs of Hyunjin.


The red head called out, expecting to get a respond back but instead all he got back was the quietness of the garden and the chirping of the birds near by. Seungmin slowly became nervous as he gripped onto his bat, his glance shifting from one side to another side of the garden. Already forgetting why he was mad in the first place and became uneasy, maybe even worried for the sudden disappearance of his bodyguard but that's something he won't admit out loud.

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