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"....I think..I think someone was trying to Kill Mr.Lee Minho"

"...sir Seungmin...?"

Seungmin blinked himself back to reality, blinking as he looked around his surroundings. It seems like he was no longer back in that hospital room with Minho but instead back in the car to go back home.

Or well he thought. In fact,he was already home. He could tell by the familiar garden in the distant, the many trees that were around them,instead of seeing buildings or the highway filled with cars. His bodyguard who no longer was seating next to him was now standing outside of the car. Holding the door open and waiting patiently for him to step out.

He carried that slight worry in his gaze as he stared at him, yet Seungmin didn't say anything and just stepped out of the car. He walked past him, like he was in a daze. He may be home right now but his mind was still back at that hospital. In that room, still listening to that intern that had approach them with such horror news.

"....I think..I think someone was trying to Kill Mr.Lee Minho"

Seungmin slowly came to a stop as he narrowed his eyes the moment those words repeated in his mind. He really couldn't stop thinking about it, he couldn't let go what he had heard. Even if Hyunjin had told him not to worried about it since Minho's heart was already weak to begin with, he could had blue coded anytime. This could had been just pure coincidence, nothing more to it.

But....He really couldn't stop thinking about it.

He couldn't stop thinking about the weird sensation he felt the moment he step a foot into the hospital. He couldn't stop thinking about the man he had bumped into, how he didn't utter a word to him but scatter to leave. How he was coming from the same direction Seungmin was headed too, how not even seconds later Minho blue coded. And then the whole intern situation happen, all the dots were slowly connecting together.

This could not be pure coincidence.

Someone try to kill Minho

Someone is out to get Minho.

Seungmin is now fully convinced that someone is trying to murder his best friend,his Hyung. And that person failed since Minho is still alive but In critical condition. That's when fear starts to kick in, if anything, if that person try's to do something again, Minho won't be able to recover from it by how weak his heart has gotten. As of now, Minho has yet to open his eyes and that freaks Seungmin out. Just to add more onto his plate, the nurse intern is a possible and only witness they have. Their safety is not promise if the person finds out he was in the room.

His breath starts to pick up as the more he thinks about it, he takes a shaky step back. I can't be here... Seungmin thought as he took another step back before attempting to take a sharp turn. As if he was ready to run back to the hospital but he quickly halted the moment he collided with someone and that someone being no one but his bodyguard who was right behind him the entire time.

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