Chapter Twelve

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"You're awfully quiet this morning," Elliot commented. "Something on your mind?"

"Sorta. Just something I want to talk to you about. Nothing bad, don't worry."

They both settled down in the grass by the Great Lake. Across it, Kurt could see a blonde trying to catch a frog.

"Okay. Go ahead."

"When we were helping the first-years learn to make patronuses, I saw yours," he said gently, figuring it was best to be frank with him.

Elliot turned pink. "Oh. Listen, I'm not quite sure why that happened. What I do know is that I don't want to date you again. Like, you're great, but I only ever want to be your friend."

Kurt smiled, relaxing. "We're on the same page, then."

"Plus— expecto patronum— it's good now." Sure enough, Elliot's patronus was back to a little bat. "I think it's just because I was preoccupied thinking about you. Ever since you got hit by that obscurus, then the enchanted bludger, I've just been worried about your safety. Plus, I do love you— platonically."

"I don't know about the bludger— honestly seems like a prank gone wrong to me— but I'm definitely safe from the obscurus."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know who the obscurial is, and they're getting help with their magic. They never meant to hurt anyone, and they are doing their best not to, but now they also have other people looking out for them."

Elliot nodded. "Okay. I'm glad they're getting help, I really don't want to see you hurt again. I... I hate seeing you hurt."

"I know," Kurt said gently. "But I'm not hurt now, so let's focus on that, okay? We're already taking every precaution we can."

"Yeah. I just wish we could do more."

"Everyone wishes they could do more."

They were quiet. Kurt knew Elliot had never fully forgiven himself for what happened years ago, even though it wasn't at all his fault. He blamed himself for letting Kurt go home that night, as if he could have known what was going to happen.

He heard a distant shout, looking across the lake. The blonde was chasing after a frog with wings while a dark-haired boy laughed at him from a shaded spot under a tree.

Elliot grimaced. "Better not let any of our professors see that. Magic on animals by students is a big no-no."

"Yeah." Kurt took out his wand, disappearing the wings from the frog and gently floating it down into the boy's hands. "We don't need that."

The blonde looked over. "Thank you!" he called. Kurt gave him a thumbs-up in response.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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