The Start of an Adventure

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You sighed as the familiar racket of Ash and Misty fighting found your ears. Sometimes you would break up the fight, but today you just couldn't be bothered. Brock could handle it, jelly donuts and all. You had been travelling with the three for a while, and made friends rather quickly. There was something you liked and didn't like about all of them. For starters, you thought Ash was a bit childish. But he did have lots of confidence in himself, which was a good trait you were a little jealous of.

Misty was really nice when it came to her Pokémon, and you respected that. Although, she really did have to work on her temper. Brock was very 'motherly' (or should it be fatherly?), and he took care of them all. But Brock did have the tendency to fall in love with girls randomly, including you, until Misty whacked Brock in the head with his drying pan. (You thought it was a bit much, but didn't dare say after seeing that girl in action).

You yawned as Brock broke up their fight. Part of you thought that they liked each other. Neither of them seemed to show it much though. Ash walked over to you.

"Hey, Y/n, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing much. I'm pretty tired to be honest," you reply.

"I don't blame you, it's getting really late," Ash nodded. You look up at the sky. It was getting dark, and stars twinkled their faint lights on the navy sea.

"Wow, I didn't notice how dark it was," you laugh.

"Hey Brock?" Ash said, turning around to face him, "can we set up camp for the night now? There's a clearing over there. Y/n and I are getting sleepy."

Brock nodded, and the group of friends walked off the path into the small clearing. You sit down and lean against a tree. People always look so cool when they do that in the movies, but the tree itched your back. The bark was very rough, and so you stood up. Misty and Ash laid out the sleeping bags, while you helped Brock with the cooking. Since it was so late, you and Brock couldn't be bothered to cook a full-blown dinner. Instead, you settled down with cooking some sausages over a tiny campfire.

"Wow Y/n, that smells amazing! Have you always known how to cook?" Misty asked, sleeping bags all laid out.

"Mm-hm! Although Brock did most of this, I like to make sweet things, like cookies and stuff," you reply, "I'm not very experienced in this field. I just made the fire."

"Oh, okay. Nice fire, though."

"You're too kind, haha!"

Once the sausages were cooked, you handed them out to everyone with a napkin. Ash devoured his quickly, taking an extra two. You and Misty ate one each, both eating politely even though you were both starving. Brock ate two sausages. There was something about boys that made them want to eat more, though you never understood why.

All full and content, you snuggled into you sleeping bag. You didn't normally like sleeping outside, but since you were with friends, you felt a little safer. The sleeping bag was very cozy and warm. Unfortunately, you didn't have a pillow. But that was okay, because the pillow you had at home was very thin from years of use. You used your hands as a pillow instead.

"Goodnight, guys," you say, breaking the awkward silence of suddenly going to bed.


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