As if We'd Stop the Boat...

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Magikarp flashed and flailed in the water. James screamed like an idiot, which everyone soon joined in on. You pulled James away from the side of the boat, terrified. Gyarados roared again.

"James!" Jessie snapped, "Gyarados won't obey you if you act like you're scared of it!"

"I AM SCARED!" James cried.

Gyarados lowered its neck and pushed the raft with its enormous head. Everyone screamed. Misty edged closer to the side of the raft. "We have to do something! Starmie, Staryu, Goldeen, go!"

"What are you going to do?" Ash asked.

"Hehe... Well, you see... My plan is... ESCAPE!" Misty yelled, a little sheepishly, and her Water Pokémon immediately sped the raft away. However, Gyarados didn't chase. You looked up. It looked a bit sad. "Stop the boat, Misty," you say slowly.

"Are you insane?! Sailors tell terrible stories about the Gyarad-

"Stop the boat!" you insist.

"Ugh, fine! But if we die because of you, I'll prove everyone wrong that you can die twice!" Misty groaned.

Gyarados's violent purple eyes lit up. It swam up to the raft and lowered its head towards James. He screamed, naturally, and shuffled away.

"James, it's not going to hurt you! See?" you tell him, and wrapped an arm around Gyarados's head. Gyarados roared softly. It almost sounded like a purr. James hesitantly reached his hand out and touched Gyarados. It looked a lot happier seeing its Master acknowledge it. James's eyes widened in surprise and he promptly gave Gyarados a hug. Its eyes brightened and lifted its neck up, taking you and James with it.

You screamed, naturally, as anyone would in that situation if they only had one arm loosely wrapped around a giant sea monster. James laughed and pulled your other arm onto Gyarados as he sat on its head. Gyarados roared in delight.

"Oi, Jimmy!" Meowth called from the raft. James dangled from one hand on Gyarados and looked down at him.

"What is it Meowth, can't you see I'm having fun?" James teased, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Gyarados just said that your girlfriend screams too much," Meowth replied, returning the smirk.

"THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" you yell at Meowth.

Apparently it was. Jessie shot a grin at you. "Oh please, we all know by now," she laughed. You weren't entirely convinced that Ash understood what she was saying, but let it slide. Brock was suddenly gloomy and miserable. He flopped face first onto the raft without question. Misty hadn't seemed to listen and was thinking of ways to kill you.

You looked away from them and thought about Meowth- no, Gyarados- had said. Did you and James really spend that much time together? You thought about the first time he kissed you, when Team Rocket attacked. And in the sea with Dragonair. Was that his way of expressing his feelings, without saying anything? Or was it just James being is usual flirty self? James couldn't possibly return your feelings.

But then, why did you think that was a lie?

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