The End of the Beginning

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(A/N: Small mention of vomit near the rollercoaster scene. If this makes you uncomfortable, of course don't read :D)

Your eyes widened as James's words echoed in your mind. You felt your cheeks burn furiously. Somehow, your eyes were glued to his, and they did not at all want to move. And then, something clicked in your mind. James likes me, you told yourself, James likes me BACK!

You closed your eyes and exhaled. Then, opening them again, you smiled at James. "I like you too. A lot."

Now it was James's turn to blush. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but here. Even so, he looked back up at you, but couldn't reach your eyes. "I'm glad," he muttered. You thought to yourself. It's now or never, you think.

Reaching a hand gently behind James's neck, you kissed him. As you closed your eyes, his shot open in shock. It was cute. After a couple of seconds, you pulled away. You and James both had smiles on your faces that were impossible to suppress.

"G-Goodnight," James said. You muttered something in return, still in shock that you had the courage to do such a thing.


The morning was very awkward. Not only were you cursing internally about your stupidity, but you and James didn't talk much. All you did was walk together, hoping to find someone- or perhaps something. You crossed through the forest a couple of times, hoping to find something. A few minutes passed before you spoke.

"Hey, are those railway tracks?" you asked.

James looked up in surprise. "I-I think so."

"If we follow them, m-maybe we'll find someone," you suggest.

"Mm," James agreed.

You kept walking. Why was it suddenly so hard to have a proper conversation with James? It was just one kiss. But even thinking about it made your stomach drop about ten miles. You had to talk about something! There was one question that had been bothering you for a long time. It was essential to know. It would decide the course of future. Your fate, your destiny. It all came down to this one question, this one itching question you had wanted to ask for what seemed like forever.

"Is it natural?" you burst out.

"Is what natural?" James asked in surprise.

"Your hair! The colour!" you say, exasperated.

James blinked. "Yes?"

"It is?" you gasp in surprise.

"My mum had dark purple and my dad had navy," he answered.

You took this information in. You didn't know anything about his parents. "Mine's so boring, though," you sigh, "not everyone's as lucky as you are."

"Hey, I see nothing wrong with h/c!" James giggled.

You laughed and grinned. For now, it seemed the tension was gone between you. Suddenly, you heard something. It was an odd noise.

"What's that?" James gulped.

"I think it's from the railway track," you gasp, as a cart came into vision.

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now