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You woke up with your hair in the sand. You slowly cracked open your eyes, and they were caked with dried salt. Blinking rapidly to stop your eyes from stinging, you sat up and felt your joints crack. You wondered how long you had been on the beach. Trembling slightly, you stood up on wobbly legs.

Ah, yes, you remember, the Gyarados kicked our butts. How memorable.

Your right arm slapped you back to reality, a sharp pain throbbing in the outside of your forearm. You winced in shock and pain as blood trickled down your arm. A large Krabby claw was imbedded in it. Getting up must have disturbed it, you wince, grimacing at the sight. Screwing up your eyes, you gently wiggled the claw out of you arm. It bled a lot more.

Maybe that wasn't the best idea, you think, how'd a Krabby claw even get itself here?

You took your shirt off- you had a singlet on underneath- and wrapped your wound. It was tied very haphazardly, but would do the job. The ocean breeze was a little chilly on your exposed shoulders, but keeping your arm at least relatively clean was more important.

Suddenly, you remember something. Your Pokémon! Panicking, you counted the Pokéballs on your waist. One, two, three, four, five, six. All safe and accounted for. Your trainer's instinct told you they were exhausted and confused. To keep them inside their Pokéballs would be lonely but better for their wellbeing.

You looked around the island. Sand and ocean on one side, tropical forest on the other. Tropical forest, you think, eyeing off some fruit-bearing trees. Running up to one, you open your Pokédex.

"Sunsettia tree. This tropical fruit-bearing tree is native to scattered tropical islands around the Kanto region. Safe for both human and Pokémon consumption."

You eyed off the yellowish-orange fruit. It looked tasty enough, and so you picked one and bit into it. You instantly loved it, finished it, and picked another off the tree. Chomping on the fruit, you explored a bit more inland. You hadn't seen any Pokémon yet, which you thought was strange, but let it slide.

The sun was still high in the sky, so you ran along the path, trying to find your friends. If you had landed here, maybe they had as well? For a good ten minutes, you ran. An enormous shadow had passed over your head, but you ignored it. Probably a Fearow, you thought, and kept running. Soon enough, your running became a jog, a walk, and then a slow trudge.

Coming to reality, you were too tired to keep going. Walking to the side of the path, you leant against a tree and ate your second (and last) Sunsettia. Your breathing was normal, but you felt your heart beat rapidly. Your body had never run for so long. Suddenly, you realised something. You weren't the only one resting on the tree.

Above you, James lay on the large branch above you. He was sleeping, and his arms and legs were dangling off the branch. His blue hair fell handsomely around his head. Even when he's sleeping he manages to be beautiful, you think.

You stood up and looked up at James.

"James," you whispered, "James! Wake up."

James stirred a little. He yawned and opened his eyes. "Oh, hi Y/n! What are the chances you found the same tree?" he grinned, and sat up. James stretched.

"You look awful," James said.

"I've been running for ages," you pant, still out of breath, "is there any water around here?"

"Not that I know of," James sighed, and jumped off the branch, "unless you like to drink saltwater."

Saliva filled your mouth and you spat on the ground. James frowned took something out of his pocket.

"What's that?" you ask.

"Some berries I found," James said, popping one into his mouth.

"How do you know they're not poisonous?" you gasp.

"Oh, I carry around a Pokédex. Jessie and Meowth don't know," he laughed, and held out his hand.

"Wow- these are really good," you say, eating some of the berries. They were small, pink, and plump. "How long have you been here?" you ask.

"Well, a while, I suppose. I woke up on the beach with Jessie after being pinched by a Krabby. Meowth wasn't with us, so we looked for him. While we were walking, a Blastoise and a Venusaur blocked us! They were enormous, too, probably more than ten times the size they should've been!

"Out of fear Jessie and I ran, but in opposite directions. Jessie was chased by the Blastoise and myself the Venusaur. I lost it through the thick trees, and then I found this one. So I ate some berries that grew near it- yes, right there- and climbed up the tree. I fell asleep because of all the running," James explained.

You nodded, and remembered the giant shadow pass over you. "I think I might have encountered one too, but it flew, so I didn't see it," you say.

James sighed. "Well, it's getting dark. Maybe we'll be safe for the night. They're not going to be able to see us."

You nod and curl up on the ground. James sat down beside you. "Are you alright? I didn't want to say anything, but your arm looks really bad. Your shirt is soaked through with blood."

"It is?" you say in surprise, and sit up to look at it. You wince, there was a large red circle on the shirt. James edged towards you and gently untied the shirt.

"What're you doing?" you ask, a bit defensively.

"Do you really think that Jessie and I never got out of those Thunderbolts unscathed?" James asked, and took your shirt off. The blood had dried up on your arm, but you still felt sick looking at it.

"Krabby claw," you clarified as James looked at you questioningly.

He tugged some large leaves off a tree and wrapped your arm. It was a lot stronger than your shirt. James tied your arm with a vine that had fallen off a tree.  You looked at his handiwork. It certainly wasn't the best, and Brock could've done a better job, but James did it, and you thought no-one else could do a better job.

"Thanks," you say eventually.

"You'd do the same," he said nonchalantly, and laid down to sleep.

You laid down as well, but was suddenly uncertain. You felt very close to James, and could feel his soft breaths on your unbandaged arm. You forced yourself to relax. The wind chilled you, but try as you might, you couldn't ignore the cold anymore. Pushing your humiliation deep down inside, you cuddled into James, faces inches apart. Your stomach dropped in surprise rested his hand on yours.

I THOUGHT HE WAS ASLEEP!  you think madly, face flushing red. You looked at James, and his emerald eyes were open. He had a shy smile on his face, and you realised he was as nervous as you were. The only thing separating you and James was your hands.

"I never find a good time to talk to you," James whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"What do you mean?"

"Not about what I want to talk to you about," he reddened, and looked down.

You blushed and your eyes widened.

"Y/n... I really like you."

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now