The Sinking of the St. Anne

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"I swear, I was the only person in that tiny room!" you insist for the millionth time.

"But why else would James do that to you?" Brock huffed.

"Guys, stop fighting! We've got larger matters at hand!" Misty snapped.

"Like what?" you and Brock said in unison.

"Stopping Team Rocket?" Misty asked sarcastically.

"Oh," you say.

"Ah," Brock agreed.

"To defeat Team Rocket, we've got to work together!" Ash yelled to the cruise ship members, "if they're going to steal our Pokémon, then we can fight back too!"

"Yeah, let's fight them!"

"Go, Charmander!"

"Mum, can I let out my Pidgey?"

"Pikachu, thunderbolt attack!" Ash yelled. All the Pikachu jumped on each other with little noises of 'pika'. Then, a group thunderbolt struck a large group of grunts (with a loud 'chu'). It seemed at this point Misty's logic about the electric attack and the ship was thrown out the window.

"Charmander, flamethrower!"


"Bulbasaur, vine whip!"


"Pidgey, group gust!"

"Pidgey, pidgey!"

Soon all the Team Rocket grunts had been launched off the boat. You were relieved, although that did not last long. Ash quickly ran away. Why did he just run off like that? you think. Misty and Brock followed him as they seemed to know where he was going. You cluelessly followed, not wanting to be left behind.

"You want to swap back?"

"I'm sorry. Butterfree was my very first Pokémon, and I raised it myself."

"Well, you leave me no choice."

You saw Ash talking with a man in a tuxedo. He looked rather odd, and you wondered what business Ash had with him. Misty nudged you. "Ash traded Butterfree for a Raticate, and now he wants to trade it back," she said. You nodded. Suddenly, the ship went off balance and you all slid around.

"What's happening?" you gasp, but you were answered by the screams of passengers.

"Now, now, don't panic! I'm just testing out one of the lifeboats!"



"Get out of my way!"

"Hey, stop pushing!"

"Ash, hurry!" Misty begged, everyone's balance deteriorating by the second. The swap was completed, and Ash picked up Butterfree.

"Got it!" he grinned, but the ship suddenly jolted. Ash was thrown off balance and dropped the Pokéball. It rolled away and Ash ran after it.

"Ash, come back!" Misty called, and she and Brock ran after him. You hesitated. The rocking of the ship was getting worse. You were terrified of drowning. The screams of passengers filled your ears.

"Everyone, quick! Get on already!"

"The ship's going to sink!"

"Come on! Hurry!"

With a sinking feeling in your stomach, you followed Ash, Misty, and Brock. I hope James got off safely, you think hopefully.

You followed them into a room with a couple of chairs and a TV. Ash grinned and held up Butterfree's Pokéball.

"Got it!" he announced.

"Great, now let's get out of here!" you say, but at that moment, the St. Anne gave an enormous jolt.

The ship capsized slowly, but before you realised what was happening, you, Ash, Misty, and Brock were flung into the air. For a moment you thought you were flying, but then a stray who-knows-what slammed into your face.


"Y/n? Y/n, wake up! Come on," a voice said to you.

Your eyes flittered open. "Wh-what is it?" you ask. You felt your forehead sting and immediately went to itch it-

"You don't want to do that," Brock warned, bringing your hand down.


"Well, when we got knocked out-


"Yes, the ship capsized-


"Yes, because of the storm. We're very deep under the water right now, but-


"Y/n, calm down!" Brock said finally, exasperated, "as long as we have water Pokémon, we'll be fine. Okay?"

You nod, a bit embarrassed you had freaked out like that. You did have a water Pokémon, it was Milotic. It was a bit strange to have a Pokémon from the Hoenn region, but you had found Milotic in the ocean when it was just a Feebas. You assumed it had been swept away by a strong current, and so you raised it ever since.

Brock gently wiped your head with a small white towel. Judging by the quality, it had come from a bathroom on the St. Anne.

"Am I bleeding?" you ask suddenly.

"Yes," Brock snapped, "but you would have known that if you hadn't jumped down my throat and panicked."

You gulped and sat there as Brock cleaned your forehead. I hope James is safe, you thought, praying to the stars and moon above.

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now