Waitress and Waiter

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"Jessie and James?" Ash laughed.

"That's a good one," Misty agreed.

"But are you sure? Their hair was the same as Team Rocke-

"They were girls, Y/n. Last time I checked James isn't a girl. I would know," Brock said.

"It's not impossible for James to dress as a girl," you protest, "besides, they could have easily dyed their hair. And their eyes were the same colour as they normally are. Not only that, but they didn't even bother changing their hairstyles!"

"Hmm. Well, you do have a point," Misty sighed.

"But why would Team Rocket give us tickets to the St. Anne? It's the most expensive and luxury cruise ship there is!" Ash argued.

"Oh. You're right," you realise. They definitely could NOT afford those.

"Besides, James couldn't have looked that good in girls' clothes. That's impossible!" Brock laughed.

"Yeah... I guess," you mutter. But, you still couldn't shake that girl's face from your brain. She looked so similar to James! Her hair, her eyes... But still, as if James would dress as a girl! That was going a little far. But if the girl really was James, you had to admit, he looked fabulous crossdressing.

You and your friends gave your tickets to the guard. He nodded. "Have a wonderful time on board the St. Anne," he smiled invitingly.

"Thank you," you all replied.

As you entered the cruise ship, the first thing you saw was an enormous dining room. Two exquisite chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Two large staircases led to a high level, on which you could look down and see the room below. You suddenly hoped your shoes were clean; the carpet was a beautiful (and expensive-looking) red carpet. Small stalls lined the sides of the building, selling Pokémon themed merchandise.

"Let's go sit down and eat!" Ash grinned, pointing to one of the nearby tables. You all nodded and sat down.

"It looks like the food here is all free," Misty thought aloud, "look! Those kids over there are eating like crazy!"

"Mm, yeah," you agree, "they look like wild animals! We shouldn't be that rude-

You pause. Ash, Misty, and Brock were shovelling food into their mouths. You sigh. "I'm going to get walk around and look at some stalls, maybe get a drink." Ash nodded and you left them. You looked at the stands around you. Some sold minifigures, some sold T-shirts. Having a closer look at them, you realised they were cheap and not worth buying.

The shirts were plain white with a vinyl sticker that looked as though it could peel off any minute. Most of the minifigures had paint smudges on them. Just your luck. But then again, you had just gotten free admittance to the best cruise ship, so you couldn't be too dissapointed.

You felt your throat getting dry. I wonder if there's some water around here... you wonder. You continue walking, and see the back of a waiter. He was holding a tray of drinks.

You tap his shoulder. "Hi, I wondering-

James turns around and you both scream. You cover your mouth to avoid staring. He followed suit.

"Just a spider," you reassure passers-by. They seemed relieved enough. You look back to James. He was already looking at you, and you blush involuntarily.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" you stutter.

"Uh... Jessie and I got jobs as waiters here," he lied.

"Cool!" you gush, mimicking James from before. He paled.

"So you did recognise us," James sighed.

"Well, Ash, Misty, and Brock managed to convince me it wasn't you two. But still, I had a feeling," you explain, looking away from his face. It was just too much to look into his eyes.

"It's a miracle you recognised us. To be honest, your friends never pick up on anything," James muttered.

"Well, um... Can I have some juice?" you asked awkwardly.

"Oh! Um... s-sure!"

"Thanks," you say, and give a nervous smile. He returned it and you scurried off.

Is she going to tell her friends? I need to tell Jessie about this! The twerps could be onto us and ruin the boss's whole plan... I can't even begin to imagine what he'd do to punish us... We could be thrown off the team, James thought scaredly.

James walked quickly to where Jessie said she was patrolling. He left his drinks on a nearby table; that disguise was unusable, anyhow. He sighed and strolled past the stalls.

"Hey, you! You boy, come over here!"

James turned his head to see an old man behind a stall. He had short black hair and a very distinctive face. A white ribbon wrapped around his head into a bow, making him look quite silly. "Are you addressing me?" James asked in his posh accent.

"Come and take a look at this Pokémon!"

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now