The Raft

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You and James climbed onto the floating life raft that Ash, Misty, and Brock had found. Jessie, James, and Meowth were furious at them.

"You know we don't have any water Pokémon!" Jessie roared.

"Were you just going to leave us there to drown?!" James demanded.

"As if I could swim, I'm a cat Pokémon, you idiots!" Meowth whined angrily.

Ash, Misty, and Brock were gaping. It seemed their jaws did not work anymore. You were very angry at the three as well. "What were you expecting Team Rocket to do? Unless you think that Ekans and Koffing are water Pokémon and not poison Pokémon, then get a life! Did you want to drown Team Rocket?"

"We just thought they'd have a wa-

"Shove a sock in it, Misty!" you snap.

"We could have died if Y/n hadn't let us use her Pokémon!" James said fiercely.

"Or would you be happy to let us die so you could keep your precious little Pikachu safe?" Jessie snarled.

No-one said anything. You sat down and looked in your pockets for a comb. You always kept one on you, and- sure enough, there was one. You began to brush your hair. Swimming in the ocean, even if briefly, had given your hair lots of tangles and knots. It was one of the reasons why you didn't like swimming for too long in the ocean. Satisfied with your hair (even though it was soaked), you put your comb away.

"Hey Y/n," James said, tapping you on the shoulder. He sat down beside you.

"Yeah?" you ask.

"Um... Could you brush my hair for me please?" James asked hopefully. A smile crept up on your face and you laughed.

"Okay then. I'll try not to hurt you if there are too many knots." 

James sat in front of you and you kneeled behind you. You took your comb back out and held a part of his hair with your free hand. Even though it was wet, it was still rather soft to touch. You took the comb and brushed his blue locks. You tried you best to not blush as you were doing it, but that mission was failed rather quickly. You hid your face behind James's head instead.

"Aww, our lovebirds are getting some quality time together," Jessie teased.

You and James turned a violent shade of red. "Jessie!" James cried out, "that's not funny!"

"You're right, James, it's not funny, it's hilarious," Jessie smirked.

"Shut up Jessie!" you squealed, poking your head up from behind James.

"I'll shut up if you make me," Jessie snickered, interested in how the events would unfold.

"You-," you say, standing up. You ran at Jessie to tackle her, but she scooted out of the way.

"Wahhh!" you gasp, stepping on the brakes, but you fell into the ocean. Again. You resurfaced to find Jessie smiling and reaching a hand out towards you.

"C'mon Y/n," Jessie laughed, "get back on this thing."

"I can't believe you," you laugh, and take her hand.

After finishing brushing James's hair, there was nothing to do. The minutes went by, seeming like hours. You all had nothing to do other than daydream and stare into the clouds or down at the ocean. You had laid down on your stomach next to James for a while, looking at your rippled reflections in the water.

"The water really is beautiful," James whispered.

"Mm... it is," you mutter back.

"Just like you," James finished. You felt yourself blushing. James was speaking so quietly there was no way anyone could hear what he just said, so you tried not to react too much.

"I think... I think that you're pretty too," you blush back, avoiding his eye contact. 

You briefly glanced at his face, and he was surprised. His mouth was slightly open and a light pink haze dusted his cheeks. You wondered if you had said the wrong thing, as neither of you said anything for a while.


"I'm going to try and get some rest," Misty said finally.

"Same here," Ash and Brock agreed.

"Sounds good to me," you nod, along with James. Jessie and Meowth had beat you all to it, and were sleeping softly on the raft.

Ash, Misty, and Brock slept next to each other, while you and James rested on the opposite side. Jessie and Meowth were on a different side of the raft. You had a lot of trouble sleeping. It seemed as though the quiet waves were roaring in your ears, and the faintest breath was a loud snore. The ocean air was freezing, too. You wished you had a warmer outfit on, but then figured that Misty wasn't doing much better either.

James tapped you on the shoulder. You turned in surprise. "I didn't know anyone else was awake," you whisper.

"Neither did I, until I heard your teeth chattering," James answered.

"My teeth aren't chatter-," you start, but realised that your teeth were, in fact, chattering.

"Are you that cold?" James asked.

You shake your head, but James wrapped a hand around you. He pulled you into his chest and you immediately redden in surprise. He didn't even ask, you think.

"I'll keep you warm," James whispered softly into your ear, and soon you found yourself cuddling into his gentle arms.

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now