Team Rocket vs. the Twerps

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You gaped as Jessie and James unleashed Ekans and Koffing. Ash didn't seem worried at all. He sent out Pikachu. You wondered why the Meowth wasn't attacking, but it seemed as though it didn't want to.

"Ekans, use wrap!" Jessie ordered.

"Koffing, smog attack!" James commanded.



Koffing emitted a poisonous gas. No-one could see, not even you. You coughed and spluttered as Ekans wrapped the wheezing Pikachu. Ash covered his mouth with his vest. "P-Pikachu! Use Th-Thunder!"


There was a flash of yellow light, and Ekans shriveled to the ground. Jessie gritted her teeth and returned Ekans. That was a bad move by her, you thought to yourself, wrapping an electric Pokémon is pretty much asking for trouble. Although, by the sound of their motto, maybe they do want trouble. You look at the floating Koffing, sickly purple skin and all. You found yourself feeling a little sorry for James, Koffing wasn't the most visually pleasing Pokémon.

"Koffing, sludge attack!" James commanded, outstretching a hand.



Pikachu stumbled around, trying to wipe the sludge out of its eyes. It didn't work though, Koffing's sludge was too thick. Ash gritted his teeth. "Pikachu, return!" A zap of red light, and Pikachu was brought into the Pokéball. He picked another Pokéball from his belt.

"Go, Squirtle!"

Squirtle was a well-trained Pokémon. You could tell because its shell was so shiny, healthy Squirtles tended to have shinier shells and sometimes skin.

"Squirtle, use water gun!"

"Squirtle-squirt!" Squirtle yelled.

"Koffing!" Koffing cried out. The water gun collided with Koffing and sent it spiralling to the ground.

"Koffing, no!" James gasped, and returned the beaten thing.

"Alright, time to finish it off!" Misty announced.

"I'll take it from here, Ash!" Brock intervened, "go, Onix!"

Onix roared a bellowing cry. Team Rocket cowered and trembled, the enormous rock snake striking fear into even Jessie's brave heart.

"Onix, iron tail!"


Onix's hard tail smashed into Team Rocket. They were sent flying into the sky, screaming, "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

The only remnants that showed they were there was a red rose dropped by the blue-haired villain, James. It was stuck in the soil. Onix must've packed quite the punch to force that delicate flower into the ground, you think in surprise.

"That was easier than normal," Ash said, "normally Team Rocket does something tricky, not just take us head-on."

"But Team Rocket's always easy to defeat," Misty laughed.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," you say to them. They looked confused. You frown at their self-sureness.

"Well, think about it. Yes, Jessie's wrap attack with Ekans wasn't the wisest move. But James used sludge attack with his Koffing right after Pikachu knocked out Ekans. He knew Koffing didn't have the power to take down Pikachu, so he used an attack that would render Pikachu unable to fight. If you hadn't had Squirtle, Ash, Team Rocket would've won."

You let that sink in. Ash, Misty, and Brock all had slightly gaping faces. "You really thought that through, didn't you?" Misty asked.

"Yes. I did," you reply, "and Brock, you taking over from Ash's battle at the end? Not cool! I can't believe you hit them with Onix's iron tail! Do you know how harmful that attack can be?"

"Yes, it's only enough to make Pokémon faint-

"Yes! Pokémon! Not humans! For all you know Team Rocket could be lying in a ditch with broken bones."

"Well why do you care about Team Rocket anyway? You only just met them, and they already had a lasting impression- trying to steal Pikachu!" Misty asked.

"I'm not saying I care about Team Rocket, that's way too far!" you laugh, "I'm just saying that they're human too. Like how a policeman doesn't taser a thief if he doesn't have to. He can just as easily restrain and handcuff the thief."

"Yeah..." Ash mutters, "I think you're right. Maybe from now on we should go a bit easier on Team Rocket."

"They are criminals, but if they ended up in hospital because of us, we could get in serious trouble," Misty shuddered.

"I can't believe we haven't considered that before," Brock said, shaking his head. "Now we seem like the bad guys."

"It wasn't your fault," you say quickly, "I was probably worrying too much. I do that a lot."

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