{Chapter 8}

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Once they got home Adam went and got Hope ready for bed, while Shiro finished up some chores. Hope and Adam sat at the edge of Hope's bed. Adam softly untangled Hope's messy hair, trying not to pull too much. 

"Papa, I'm sleepy." Adam snickered. "I know, love, I'm almost done, then you can sleep, ok?"

"Ok, but don't take so long, I want to sleep." Adam laughed again, pretending to be offended. "I'm only taking long because someone has a lot of hair." Hope laughed loudly, clutching on to her stuffed cat.

Shiro stood in the doorway, watching the two play. "Alright you two, I think it's time for bed." Adam rolled his eyes playfully. "You're such a buzz kill."

Shiro shrugged "Yeah well, this buzz kill is right." Adam smiled, helping Hope to bed.

"Good night, daddies!" Hope smiled, getting comfortable. "Good night, love." Adam kissed her head, before walking to the door. Shiro flipped the lights off, leaving the door slightly open, just the way Hope likes to be.

Adam sighed, walking towards their bedroom. Shiro followed, not saying anything, just enjoying the silence.

The two cuddled close in bed. Their house was always a little chilly, making it perfect for cuddling.

"I'm proud of us," Adam mumbled, exhaustion lingered in his voice. Shiro snickered, leaving Adam slightly annoyed. "I'm not kidding Takashi, look at what we've done! I mean we are not the best parents, but we're pretty fucking good ones!" Shiro laughed again listening to Adam ramble was hilarious to him, even when Adam was being completely serious.

"I think we're good parents too," Shiro said, in between chuckles. Adam smiled, cuddling closer into Shiro's neck, slowly starting to fall asleep. Shiro held the back of Adam's head, leaving little to no room in between them. 

"I love you," Shiro whispered, smiling slightly. Adam just nodded, too tired to respond.

Shiro shut his eyes, allowing himself to forget about all the stress in the back of his mind for the next few hours. Instead, he thought about how proud he was of his family. He thought about all the amazing things they've done and all the amazing things they were going to do. 

After everything those two have done this definitely wasn't a lot, but it's what they wanted, and god damn they deserve it.

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