{Chapter 2}

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{Third Person POV}

The two men continued to argue back and forth forgetting the fact that they had a four-year-old daughter in the room next to them. The smart remarks they said to each other got louder and louder, so loud that the young girl climbed out of her bed and was standing in the doorway of her room without either of them noticing. She stood there tears pooling in her eyes as  she watched her parents argue. Adam soon noticed the small girl crying and immediately crouched down to her.

"Oh baby girl please don't cry its ok were ok,'' Adam said softly while stroking her hair. Takashi then moved down to sit with them. Hope sniffed trying to stop crying. "I don't want you and Daddy to fight.." She whispered quietly.

Both men were angry with themselves for allowing this to happen, but the also knew they had to put their pride aside and worry about there daughter. "Baby we're really sorry we just want to be the best that we can be for you, but we don't always have the same idea that's all," Shiro explained calmly.

Hope whipped her eyes. "And you know what Daddy and I promise you it will never happen again ok?" Of course Adam knew him and Shiro would fight again but he really meant it when he promised they wouldn't fight in front of her.

"Pinky promise?" Hope asked quietly putting out her pinky finger.

"Pinky promise" Adam says locking his finger with hers. Hope then looks up at Shiro who just smiles and does the same. Hope smiles and hugs her dads. "Now princess you need to go to sleep." Shiro said while picking her up and kissing her cheek softly.

Shiro walked cautiously through the young girl's pastel purple room trying to avoid the clutter of toys on her floor. He placed the small girly on her bed softly while tucking her in under a fuzzy white blanket. He gently kisses her head and walks back to the door where Adam was standing.

"WAIT!" Hope yells snaping the attention of both Shiro and Adam. "..can you leave the door a tiny bit open please." Hope askes politely.

"Of course princess" Adam says turning to close the door. "And..and I love you daddies." Hope says sitting up and smiling. "We love you to baby girl now go to sleep." Shiro says. Hope then grabs her stuffed cat and rolls over, finally drifting off to sleep.

Shiro quietly closed the door leaving him looking at Adam. Expecting their argument to continue Shiro opened his mouth trying to say something but before he could Adam pulled him into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you.." Adam practically whispered to Shiro still holding him with a tight grip.

Shiro's eyes widened at the sound of those words. He was shocked to hear Adam apologize. Even though they have been together for so long Shiro still had a hard time getting Adam to apologize . Adam always says "it shows that you were wrong and I'm never wrong," so for him to say that to Shiro was astounding. 

Shiro returned the hug taking in the warm feeling of Adam's body ageist him. "I'm sorry too..and maybe you were right I do need to grow up a little." Adam pulled shiro out of the hug and grabbed Shiros face bringing their foreheads together. Shiro blushed a little shocked once again.

"Don't you dare say that again you are amazing the way you are. I get frustrated with you sure but I don't want you to change." Adam says sternly but quietly pulling his and Shiros lips together.

"I love you Takashi.." Adam said quietly breaking the kiss.

"I love you too Adam.."

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