{Chapter 1}

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{Third Person POV}

It was a quiet night for the Shirogane household which is surprising cause the Shirogane's are never quiet. Adam was in the living room grading, while Takashi was doing his own work in his office. Their daughter, Hope, was supposedly sleeping in her room, but they both knew that in about ten minutes she would come out saying she couldn't sleep or that she was scared.

Both the men were aware that their daughter never slept soundly. They've known that since they adopted her when she was two she was four now. Five minutes pass and there was a familiar noise from their daughter's room. They both walked over knowing she was going to call them if they didn't. Takashi opened the door to Hope's room.

"Hope, my love why are you up still?" He says crouching down to her height

"I'm not sleepy yet.." Hope says.

Her voice was groggy and her straight brown hair was all messy. She was tired. Both men looked at each other and then back at Hope. They both knew she wanted to go to sleep but they also knew they had work to do. Normally they would set all their work aside and be with their daughter, but they've put it off for too long and it needed to get done.

"Hope, daddy and I both know you want to go to sleep..but we both have to finish our work ok? So, how about you try to sleep for just a little longer alright?" Adam said softly pushing a strand of Hope's hair behind her ear. "...ok.. but you and daddy won't be long right?" She asks with sad eyes. "No honey we won't." Takashi reassures her.

Takashi tucks Hope back in and closes the door. Adam was still standing in the hallway with an aggravated look on his face. "Kashi you know she expects us to be back in 10 minutes because you told her we would be done soon but we have a lot of shit to finish."

"Yeah, I know..But maybe she will fall asleep waiting for us!" Takashi says optimistically. Adam loved his optimism but sometimes Takashi needed to face reality. "Baby I love you and you know that but sometimes I think you need to grow up. Not everything is as simple as you picture it to be. .." Adam stared at the floor worried about how Takashi would react to that statement.

"I'm sorry." Takashi said sounding taken aback. "Just because I don't think about every single thing that can go wrong in every single situation doesn't mean that I need to grow up!"
Takashi yelled.

Adam looked like he had something to say but just couldn't. He was too shocked to even move. Takashi does have his moments where he snapped but that would never be over something as little as Adam trying to tell him he was acting a little immature. After standing in silence for a second Adam spoke. "You don't need to yell at me for trying to help you understand the life isn't a fucking fairytale!" Takashi wasn't shocked by Adam's statement. Adam had always been very hot-headed.

Adam never let people get away with talking bad about anyone he cared for. He would always come up with some clever statement to make anyone back down from trying to argue with him. Except for Takashi, he wasn't afraid of Adam nor was Adam afraid of him. That's one of the reasons Adam loved Takashi so much they never backed down from any argument whether it was between the two of them or with anyone else.

Alright, that's enough of that! Sorry for the sort of cliffhanger I will post the next part soon also thanks for reading this crap!~Owen (if you didn't know, which you didn't my name is Owen and I'm the one who writes this so yeah)

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