{Chapter 3}

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{Third person POV}

The next morning Adam woke up to a pair of stunning tired black eyes looking directly at him. Adam smiled pulling the blanket over his head. "Wow good morning to you too," Shiro said smiling. Adam laughed pulling the blanket back down.

"Morning," Adam said his voice groggy. For a minute they both just stared at each other enjoying the presence of each other. Shiro moves closer to Adam and kissed him softly.  They both pull away slowly. 

"Your breath reaks.." Adam says quietly laughing a little. "Oh wow thanks love." Shiro's voice had a small hint of annoyance in it, but he did find Adams comment a little funny. Adam continued to laugh and Shiro rolled his eyes moving to get out of bed.  

Adam rolled over grabbed his glasses and looked at the clock that read 10:26.  Adam sat up in shock not only did he sleep through his alarm but both he and Shiro were late for work. "Holy shit Kashi we're so fucking late!" Adam yelled jumping out of bed. 

"Love calm down it's our day off remember?" Shiro said poking his head out from their closet.  Adam calmed down remembering how long they have been waiting for a day off. The last time he remembers having a day off was three months ago when he and Shiro took Hope to Disney world for the first time. 

Adam relaxed thinking about how happy Hope was to be in Disney and the way her eyes sparkled when she saw the castle for the first time. Adam smiled remembering how amazing that day was. 

After a while Adam was dressed and downstairs cooking pancakes while Shiro watched. "Love I just had the greatest idea!" Shiro announced making Adam jump slightly.  "Ok what is it?"

"So you know how tonight there's going to be a meteor shower and how originally we planned  that we were going to watch it once Hope went to sleep?" Adam nodded "Well what if we let Hope stay up and she can watch it with us and we can teach her about the stares and space." 

Adam thought about it for a minute it was his and Shiro's only day off for a long time did he really want to spend it teaching of all things he could be doing. Short answer yes. He would like nothing more than make the two people he loved the most happy and if that meant teaching on his day off so be it. 

"Ok fine but promise me that at some point in the near future you will take me on a date," Adam said looking up from the food. "Ok I promise." 

After about an hour both men finished eating and talking about how the night would play out they had a plan set to guarantee Hope would be entertained and happy all they needed to do was wait. This wouldn't be a problem for Adam but Shiro was just so excited to be able to share the things that brought him and Adam together.  The stares and just space, in general, brought back so many great memorize. Like the way he and Adam used to sneak out after curfew to the roof to look at stares, or how adam would always be able to name every constellation just to one-up Shiro. If they didn't have those memorize their relationship wouldn't have lasted. 

Shiro tried not to think about that too much. He didn't know what life would have been like without adam and he didn't want to find out. He was happy with the life he had with him and he wouldn't change that for the world. 

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