1. Dark But Just A Game

453 18 72

September 1990

It was early September in the chilly Seattle, and a guy called Edward, from California, was heading to a new friend's house, in the company of his new bandmates. But before reaching the place, they decided to visit a flea market, as one of the guys called Michael was looking for a vintage camera.

"So... what do you think about Chris?" A guy named Stone asked him, while walking around looking at some of the antiques.

"I think he... is nice" Eddie answered with a shy smile.

"Hey! Come on, take a look at this" Michael said in excitement to his friends, holding a Rolleiflex in perfect conditions.

"It's a good camera" Jeffrey, the bassist of the band added this time, earning a smile from his friend.

"What is it?" Stone got closer with Edward.

"Look..." Michael added, giving him the camera, as they started to look at it carefully.

"It's pretty awesome, man" Edward said this time, reassuring Michael in some way that he should buy the item.

Of course, Michael bought the camera, and the old lady told him where to find the 120 film that this item needed, but the nice lady stopped them before they could leave.

"Thank you for your purchase... this is a gift for all of you" She added in a nice way, taking a box that had some letters on it, being Edward the one who took it, since the others were distracted and Michael was busy putting his camera on his backpack.

"Oh... thanks... Spin the Black Circle...?" Edward said, after reading the name that was on the package, as the rest of them turned around.

"Looks interesting... What kind of game is it?" Stone asked this time.

"I would say that an interesting one... you'll have to find out for yourselves" The lady answered.

"Nothing satanic, right?" Jeffrey asked with a hint of insecurity in his voice, and the lady only chuckled.

"Of course no... but it's something that all of you need, trust me. This will help you see your future with more clarity" She added in a serious way.

"Well, thank you so much Mrs. MacKay, I'll see you next weekend to see if I purchase that polaroid" Michael said while pointing at a polaroid camera.

"Sure, anytime" Mrs. MacKay added as all of them waved goodbye and started to walk.

Next stop was a convenience store, where they bought some cigarettes and enough alcohol for their little reunion with Chris at his place; after this, they sped up things a little, since the sky warned them of a coming storm and it seemed that it was going to happen anytime, plus, they had their instruments with them and it was kind of dangerous.

Luckily, they arrived just in time, and at the moment they stepped inside Chris' place the rain started to fall heavily; they laughed at their good luck for that moment and soon they started to share some beers with Chris, who had the house for himself since his fiancée Susan was out of town working with a band called Alice in Chains, for which she was their manager.

The jam session turned into a proper rehearsal at his place, with the guys trying new sounds and memorable riffs that could be use later, as Chris had the idea of a new band called "Temple Of The Dog" as a tribute to their late friend, Andrew Wood. Between the music, the beers, the jokes and the pizza, they were all having a great time until a loud thunder was heard and next thing they knew, they were in the darkness.

"Shit" Stone whispered.

"Ok, nobody moves, I'm gonna get some candles I just... do you have any light-" Chris didn't end his sentence because the place was illuminated a little by the lighters from Michael, Stone and Jeffrey.

Spin the Black Circle (Eddie Vedder/Grunge Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now