What should I do?

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After 2 months 

Y/N P.O.V.

It's been a two months from ryan left me. Everything is messed up I lost my job as that company is moving to another place. They can't afford to have so many employs so they fired many of employs. I am currently trying to find job to keep my self stable. It's not like I don't have savings but still I need to do something. 

I just give an interview in kindergarden but they said that there is no place left for teacher bcz someone took that one left place last week so here I am on my way to home.

As I reached home I felt like dizzy but I ignored it and find something to eat and flopped on couch and try to sleep but as I tried to sleep I felt like I need to throw up and I rushed to washroom and throw up everything that I just eat.

This is happening from last one month and I keep ignoring it but I think I should go to doctor may be there is something serious. So I booked my appointment at hospital near my house and tried to sleep.

Next morning 

As I get up I saw the time it was 8 a.m. I have appointment at 10 so start to get ready.

I wore this outfit and drink some orange juice bcz I didn't feel like eating and left for the hospital

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I wore this outfit and drink some orange juice bcz I didn't feel like eating and left for the hospital.

After 10 mins I reached at the hospital and asked the receptionist about the doctor and she said that I need to wait till the doctor call me.

I was waiting at passage near doctor's cabin many thoughts was running in my mind. What if am really sick? What if I die? Will any one come to look for me ? Soon my thoughts interrupt by hearing me name and I get up and entered in the cabin.

"So miss y/n, tell me what is problem"Doctor asked politely.

"Doctor the thing is I am continue throwing up from past month and feeling lil dizzy since 3 days."

"Okay. Are you on any medication"

"No doc."

"Do you having any mood swings or cravings?"

"Maybe sometimes. But not always."

"When did you last have your period"

Shit. I didn't notice that I missed my periods in these hectic situation.

"No doc I didn't had periods in last 2 months."

"Well then I need to clear something."She paused and again starts talking."With your symptoms it seems like you are a pregnant but I still need to do some tests so here take this I need to do your urine test and after that we'll need to do your blood test to."She said handling me small container and I left to washroom.

After giving my urine test and blood test I sat outside for waiting the results.

"Miss. Y/n, You can come inside."Doctor said.

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